Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 3, 1 March 2014 — Integrated behavioral health care [ARTICLE]

Integrated behavioral health care

The discussion in January's issue regarding a "broader approach to well-being" (page 6) spurs my thoughts about fully integrated behavioral heahh care in a primary care setting. The article states, "The solution is definitely not going to be found in a pill and it's not going to happen in a doctor's office." I am one of two Native Hawaiians pursuing a doctorate in behavioral health-integrated health care with the College of Heahh Solutions at Arizona State University. This is a progressively new doctoral program designed specifically to address social determinants in the context of primary care settings. Although the degree is new, the practice and implications on heahh care and quality of life for patients is not. Integrated behavioral heahh care has been practiced in several areas of the country, including Indian Country and the Veterans Affairs sy stem. I am currently practicing as a behavioral heahh consultant in a primary care setting, with a specialty diabetes team and we are tracking patient outcomes, adherence and overall patient well-being. The Native Hawaiian Heahh Care Systems has eaeh of the components for a "one-stop shop" approach to heahh care and some utilize a chronic care model. Additionally, what our people need is the expertise to connect all of the existing programs and create fully integrated care. It exists and there are two Kānaka Maoli who practice in this field. Reach out to us - include us in these discussions. 'A'ohe pau ka 'ike i ka hālau ho'okahi - A// knowledge is not īeameā in one schooī. D. LeolaniAh Quin, LMSW Chandler, Arizona