Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 7, 1 July 2014 — MEETING WITH MOLOKAʻI BENEFICIARIES [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


<A legislative update from OHA's Chief Advocate Kawika Riley, a handful of presentations and an array of beneficiary comments drew about 1 00 people to an OHA community meeting in Moloka'i on June J 8. Among the highlights of the two-hour meeting held by the Board of Trustees at Kūlana 'Ōiwi Hālau was Riley's update on OHA's accomplishments from the past legislative session, including gathering support for bills that pave the way for a commitment from the state to address disparities in Native Hawaiian health. For the trustees, the meeting was also part of their annual round of community forums and regular board meetings on neighbor islands. The trustees are scheduled to meet on Kaua'i on July 1 6 and July 1 1 . - Photo: OHA Communications