Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — AKANA, ROWENA M.N. NONPARTISAN [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Q1. OHA mustvigorously defend our naturalandcultural resources from irresponsible eeonomie

development. For example, Mauna Kea lands have long been mismanaged by the University of Hawaii. UH has been receiving a substantial benefit from the leasing of its telescope time, whieh has been valued in some cases at more than $100,000 a night. This benefit has mostly gone only to the UH astronomy program, and OHA beneficiaries have not received their fair share. UH's authority to manage publictrust lands must also be re-evaluated because of the constant reports of abuse and mismanagement from our beneficiaries. Q2. The re-establishment

of a Native Hawaiian Governing Entity is a high priority. When our independent nation was overthrown over 120 years ago, it set into motion a calamity of events that our people have never fully recovered from. The loss of our lands, language, eulture and pride has been a very difficult challenge to overcome. The restoration of our Nation would mean a brighter future for our young Keiki. Taking back and managing our lands again to build a strong eeonomie base will allow the next generation of Native Hawaiians to be able to afford living in the islands. Over 200,000 Native Hawaiians have moved to other states and eountries. It is time to help provide our Ohana the jobs they need to eome home. For more information on sovereignty, please visit my website at www.rowena akana.org.