Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 31, Number 10, 1 October 2014 — 2014 Constitutional Amendment Questions and County Charter Questions [ARTICLE]

2014 Constitutional Amendment Questions and County Charter Questions

There are five proposed constitutional amendments on this year's ballot. In addition, there are proposed charter amendment questions for the County of Hawai'i, County of Maui and County of Kaua'i. For more information on the proposed constitutional amendments, visit the state Legislature's website at capitol.hawaii.gov. For more information on the Maui County charter amendments, visit www.co.maui.hi.us/index. aspx?nid=657. For more information on the Kaua'i County charter amendments, visit www.kauai.gov/Government/ CountyCouncil/OfficeoftheCountyClerk/Elections/ tabid/84/Default.aspx. Proposed amendments to the state Constitution Relating to Disclosure of Judicial Nominees "Shall the judicial selection commission, when presenting a list of nominees to the governor or the chief justice to fill a vacancy in the office of the chief justice, supreme court, intermediate appellate court, circuit courts or district courts, be required, at the same time, to disclose that list to the public?" Relating to Agricultural Enterprises "Shall the State be authorized to issue special purpose revenue bonds and use the proceeds from the bonds to assist agricultural enterprises on any type of land, rather than only important agricultural lands?" Relating to State Justices and Judges "Shall the mandatory retirement age for all state court justices and judges be increased from seventy toeightyyears ofage?" Relating to Early Childhood Education "Shall the appropriation of public funds be permitted for the support or benefit of private early childhood education programs that shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex or ancestry, as provided by law?" Relating to Dams and Reservoirs "Shall the State be authorized to issue special purpose revenue bonds and use the proceeds from the bonds to offer loans to qualifying dam and reservoir owners to improve their facilities to protect public safety and provide significant benefits to the general public as important water sources?" Proposed amendment Hawai'i County Charter Term of Appointment for the County Clerk "Shall the County Charter be amended to create a four-year term of appointment for the County Clerk,

with the County Council having the authority to remove the County Clerk from office by a two-thirds vote of its membership?" Proposed amendment to the Maui County Charter Affordable Housing Fund "Shall the Charter be amended to extend through fiscal year 2021 the requirement that two percent (2%) of the certified real property tax revenues be appropriated into an affordable housing fund to be used for the provision, protection, and expansion of affordable housing and suitable living environments for persons of very low to gap ineome?" Penalties "Shall Section 13-10 of the Charter be amended to increase the current maximum penalty that may be imposed for violations of any provisions of the Charter and violations of ordinances and rules having the force and effect of law from $1,000 or one year's imprisonment, or both, to $25,000 or one year's imprisonment, or both?" Genetically Engineered Organisms "Should the proposed initiative prohibiting the cultivation or reproduction of genetically engineered organisms within the County of Maui, whieh may be amended or repealed as to a specific person or entity when required environmental and public health impact studies, public hearings, a two thirds vote and a determination by the County Council that such operation or practice meets certain standards, and whieh establishes civil and criminal penalties, be adopted for Maui County?" Proposed amendments to the Charter of the County of Kaua'i Relating to the Department of Personnel Services "Shall the Department of Personnel Services be changed to the Department of Human Resources, with additional human resources functions?" Relating to Charter Amendment "Should the county be allowed to publish summaries of charter amendments or a new charter in a newspaper of general circulation and the entire text on the official website of the County of Kauai?" Relating to Recall Ballots "Shall Charter section 27.07 regarding recall ballots be amended to comply with State law and to meet voting system requirements?" Source: State Office of Eiections