Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 32, Number 6, 1 June 2015 — A Trustee's call to listen carefully, seeking knowledge and understanding [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

A Trustee's call to listen carefully, seeking knowledge and understanding

ATrustee's eall is to strengthen and build specific giftedness and skills. Listening and Referring are two such skills. Listening skills are key when working with beneficiaries of the trust. Good listening comes when listeners are interested in what the speaker has to say, and when

they create room for the speaker to share honestly and fully. Good listening does not eome naturally to everyone, but it is critical. When a person is heard, he or she feels valued and able to share. It is important when listening to another's story to keep the conversation confidential, unless someone's well-being is threatened. Trustees must understand confidentiality and the importance it plays in building relationships. At times, the Trustees ean work with their beneficiaries and find the resources they need, resources beyond what the Trustees ean offer.

This is where Referral becomes important. Trustees should be authentic in their relationships with others. They share appropriately from their experiences. They listen carefully, seeking knowledge and understanding. They refer to other resources that OHA ean provide in terms of holistic support. Trustees commit to the betterment of the lives of their beneficiaries.

Eaeh Trustee is different and brings various gifts and skills to his/her position. But among these, it does not include pontificating but more of servant leadership. Being a very unique position as it is an elected one, they are placed here to have OHA help families that are facing difficulties . . . some are homeless, some are caregivers and many are lonely. Listening and responding by Referring with

compassion is a major part of servant leadership. Queen Lili'uokalani's reign ean be a lesson to eaeh of us. She did not know her future and advocates, "We never know how mueh time we have, so let us do the best we ean eaeh day of our lives, and love and listen to our people passionately." Aloha Au Ia 'Oe! Trustee Leina'ala Ahu Isa ■

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Leina'ala Ahu lsa, Ph.D. Trustee, At-large

The Board of Trustees discussing Mauna Kea and TMT on April 30. - Courtesy: Trustee Ahu lsa