Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 4, 1 April 2016 — Free disaster prepared ness training on Molokaʻi [ARTICLE]

Free disaster prepared ness training on Molokaʻi

Moloka'i residents interested in helping out in the event of a disaster ean attend Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training in Aprfl. The Maui Civil Defense Agency will host four training sessions at Moloka'i High School in Ho'olehua to help prepare people to help themselves, their family and their neighbors during a disaster. If emergency service personnel are unahle to respond immediately, CERT volunteers ean provide critical support by providing damage assessment informahon and assisting victims until professional emergency responders arrive. The 24-hour course is free to all Maui County residents. Classes will meet on Saturdays from April 2 through April 23, starting at 9 a.m. with end times between 2 and 3:30 p.m. Participants must register to attend. To register, eall (808) 270-7285

or email cert@mauicounty.gov.