Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 7, 1 July 2016 — ʻAimalama [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


ASolution_Basedon Ancestral Knowledge

By Hui 'Aimalama We are currently in the malama named Hinaia'ele'ele, whieh is July 4 to Aug. 2. This is the name commonly used on Hawai'i Island, but additional names for this malama on other islands include Ikiiki (Maui), Nana (Moloka'i), Mahoehope (O'ahu), andMahoemua (Kaua'i). The name Hinaia'ele'ele in particular speaks to the dark ('ele'ele) nature of the malama, in terms of dark heavy clouds, dark mature leaves, and dark ripe fruit. You've probably noticed that many things were ripening during Ka'aona - mountain apple, mango, lychee - and this will eonhnue in Hinaia'ele'ele.

E pua ana ka 'ōhi'a 'ai a hō'umeke i ka malama o Hinaia'ele'ele. The mountain apple blooms and fruits form in the month of Hinaia'ele'ele. (Kep, 93). Clockwise from top left: Hinaia'ele'ele is typically stormy. Last year, hau buds were abundant and starting to hloom in 'Ōla'a, and fruit capsules of 'a'ali'i were bursting with color in south Kona. Although albizia is a nuisance, it is also good to learn its patterns to

effectively prevent it from spreading more. 'Ulu is supposed to be ripening soon, but at least on O'ahu, we have seen and heard observations of fruit being too small right now. We wonder if this is unique to particular areas and if others are experiencing the same with their trees? In Ka'aona, we saw occurrences of moi spawning and nehu juveniles reaching shallow waters, so in Hinaia'ele'ele, you may also see lots of pua in the oeean - perhaps moi, manini and nehu. Mahalo to our kūpuna who left us with generations of knowledge, as well as the guidance to continue the essential practice of kilo. ■ References: Kep. Beckwith, Martha W., ed. (1932). Kepelino's Traditions of Hawaii. Bernice P. Bishop Museum BuIIetin 95. Honolulu. p93. Pukui, M. K, & ElbertS.H. (2003). Hawaiian Dictionary. Retrieved from http:// wehen'ehe.org.

VQCABULARY Kaulana mahina - The position ofthe moon Mahina - Moon Malama - Lunar month Anahulu - A period of 10 moon phases


Photos: Courtesy ofHui 'Aimalama