Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 33, Number 12, 1 December 2016 — Rules strengthen Hawaiians' role in resource management [ARTICLE]

Rules strengthen Hawaiians' role in resource management

ByTreenaShapiro As our island state strives to address critical environmental issues, more policymakers see the importance of considering indigenous resource management practices alongside modern sustainability frameworks. Prior to Western contact, responsible stewardship allowed Hawaiian society to thrive and many of their sustainable practices have been passed down through generations of kūpuna. The value of this wisdom was affirmed in 2012 when the state established the 'Aha Moku Advisory Committee (AMAC) to make recommendations to the Department of Land and Natural Resources. The committee gives expert Native Hawaiians practitioners a voice in matters like the best use of agricultural land, native burials, overfishing, development

permits and other contentious issues the Hawaiian community grapples with, explained Malia Akutagawa, an assistant professor of law and Hawaiian studies at UH-Mānoa.

Pattemed after ancient 'aha moku councils, the advisory committee is comprised of eight po 'o, or heads, who represent eaeh of the major islands. The po'o are nominated by the governor, confirmed by the state Senate and housed within DLNR. Working with theirrespective island 'aha moku councils the po 'o ean bring place-based loeal concems to the state's attention. "All in Hawai'i depend on a healthy

land and oeean, and the importance of our traditional stewards in informing wise natural resource management cannot be understated. AMAC has incredible potential to effectively

amplify these community voices toward the eommon good," said Kevin Chang, executive director of Kua'āina Ulu 'Auamo. New rules organized by Akutagawa and two of her law students and adopted by the advisory committee on Oct. 20 will only increase the panel's potential. The hnal document reaffirms protections of customary rights and practices, recognizes

Hawaiian traditional knowledge as a resource in its own right and upholds international law protecting the rights of indigenous peoples - including the right to free, prior and informed eon-

sent on decisions that affect them The 37-page document clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the executive director and sets in plaee a communications process. "It creates greater transparency and accountability on all levels. Prior to this they operated without rules and it was a bit unelear and at times eaused eonfusion at all levels," Akutagawa said. Formalizing rules that ineorporate

Hawaiian indigenous knowledge into modern decision-making is a major accomplishment, said UH Law Professor Melody Kapilialoha MacKenzie. "Significantly, they reflect that our culture is alive and thriving; that we have not forgotten our ancestors; and indeed that we have carried their knowledge forward into the 21st eentury to address modern problems and ensure abundance for future generations." Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey of Maui was pleased and excited to see the completedrules. "Until now, AMAC has been met with various difficulties that many new hui often face. With these new rules, I am confident that the committee has created a structure and process that will help them collectively progress in a way that will surely benefit our larger communities." ■

All in Hawai'i depend on a healthy land and oeean, and the importance of our traditional stewards in informing wise natural resource management cannot be understated. AMAC has incredible potential to effectively amplify these community voices toward the eommon good." — Kevin Chans, executive director of Kua aina Ulu 'Auamo

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