Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 7, 1 July 2017 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Classified ads only $12.50 - Type or clearly write your ad of no more than 175 characters (including spaces and punctuation) and mail, along with a eheek for $12.50, to: Ka Wai Ola Classifieds, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, Honolulu, Hl 96817. Make eheek payable to OHA. (We cannot accept credit cards.) Ads and payment must be received by the 1 5th for the next month's edition of Ka Wai Ola. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@oha.org with the subject "Makeke/Classified." OHA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement, for any reason, at our discretion.
"LET'S ĪALK STŪRY" WŪRKSHŪP July 26,2017 (Wednesday) at Hale Pono'i (Kapolei/next to DHHL building) 6:00PM-8:00PM Home Buying & loan process, questions & answer time (Talk Story) - Rsvp at 2954474 Registration begins at 5:15PM. Refreshments - Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R)(RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) & Kui Meyers- Home Street Bank. AŪLU-HI SEEKS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Loeal NPO dedicated to civil rights seeks qualified applicants. Job description & info: www.acluhawaii.org ARE YOU 55+? Gout? Pain? Fatigue? Diabetes? Eye Pain? Floaters? Cataract? Call me for more info: (808) 548-9461 AĪĪENĪION MEDICARE MEMBERS: Have questions about Medicare? Recently retired? Knowyou options? Let's look for a plan that best suits your needs. Call Kamaka Jingao 808-286-0022 HOMES WIĪH ALŪHA-Keaukaha 3bed/2ba Oeean view, 21,745 sf. lot $380,000 Leasehold - Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R)
(RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 HOMES WIĪH ALŪHA-Maku'u 2bed/2ba 5acres, Corner lot, one word, Beautiful $230,000 Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) ( RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 HŪMES WIĪH ALŪHA-Nānākuli 3 bed/lba Teardown 11,935 sf lot $135,000 LeaseholdCharmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) ( RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 H0MES WIĪH ALOHA-Nānākuli PKE-3-bed/2.5ba (4bed model) Lam inate floors $410,000 Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474: H0MES WIĪH ALŪHA-Nānākuli Series 7 -3bed/2ba, Fixer upper 10,488 sf lot. Lot's of potential. $275,000 Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) KellerWilliams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 HŪMES WIĪH ALŪHA-Wai' anae 2bed/lba 5,000 sf lot great starter home, room to
expand $265,000 Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 H0MES WIĪH ALŪHA-Wai'anae 3bed/2 ba Corner Lot, PV $350,000 Leasehold- Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 H0MES WIĪH ALŪHA-Wai'anae 3bed/2.5 ba Excellent condition, PV $395,000 LeaseholdCharmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 H0MES WIĪH ALOHA-Waimānalo 7bed/3.5ba Lot's of space, lot's of parking, PV $700,000 Leasehold-Charmaine I. Quilit Poki(R) (RB-15998) Keller Williams Honolulu (RB-21303) 808-295-4474 STR0NG HAWAIIAN / KĀNAKA MAOLI flags and regular Hawaiian flags (large 3'x5') foryourtruck, boat or house ($10.00 eaeh), hand flags (12"xl8"), special T-shirts and tanktops with royal crest, island T-shirts foryour island from $10.00, Kānaka Maoli
Pledge, long-sleeve T-shirts for hunters, stickers, window decals, banners. 0rder via www.kanakamaolipower.org or 808-332-5220. THE PRŪ-HAWAIIAN PŪLITICAL PARTY - AlohaAinaParty.com THINKING 0F BUYING 0R SELLING A HOME? Call Charmaine I. Quilit Poki (R) 2954474 RB-15998. Keller Williams Honolulu RB-21303. To view current listings go to my website HomeswithAloha.com. Call or email me at Charmaine.QuilitPoki@gmail.com to learn more about homeownership. Mahalo nui. Specialize in Fee Simple & Homestead Properties, 31 years. VALLEY ŪF THE TEMPLES - Cemetery Plots for sale. Chapel Hill section, 3 plots available side by side, retail $7800 eaeh, selling for $5000 eaeh. (808) 222-5493. VALLEY ŪFTHE ĪEMPLE - One plot at Aupunilani location. Close to the temple with beautifulview. Newplots selling for $9400+ eaeh. Asking$65ŪO/OBO.Leave msgortext (808) 646-0199. ■
HomeS'//wAloha Your Kamaainu Real Estate Professional CHARMAINE QUILIT POKI REALTOR. ABR, CRS. CDPE, GR1, SRES I HomesWithAloha.com E I Charmaine.QuilitPoki@gmail.com
Līhe Office of Hawaiian Affairs is seeking candidates for the following positions: The Assistant Community Outreach Manager assists the Community Outreach Manager with day-to-day administrative functions. The Assistant Community Outreach Manager helps oversee the outerisland Community Outreach Coordinators A, efforts in community eoaliīion building and W advocacysupportservices. . ,&• V īhe Digital Media Specialistdevelops ^ contentforOHA's social media channels and websites. M īr . Please send a resume and cover letter K _ with salary history and requirements to: OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS M 560 N. Nimitz Highway, Suite 200 *'" ^ Honolulu, Hawai'i 96817 Attention: Human Resources For additional details aboutthese postions and other 1r \ .. , , , , , Office of Hawaiian Affairs positions available, please visit to oha,org/|obs. 56Q N N|m|t H|ghway Su|te 2QQ Continuous Recruitment Until Needs Are Met. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Honoiuiu, Hawai'i 96817