Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 11, 1 November 2017 — Page 25 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I print your listing at no charge on a sp; mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E oia n < an ancestor at Kalaupapa? Ka 'Ohana O Kalaupapa, a nonprofit organization made up of Kalaupapa residents, family members and friends, might be able to help. We have information on more than 7.000 people sent to Kalaupapa. Contact 'Ohana Coordinator Valerie Monson at vmonson@kalaupapa i ohana.org or eall 808-573-2746. KAMAKAU - Looking for descendants or ' related family members of Ellen P. Kamakau. Born at Kaopipa/Kaupipa, Maui on September 3, 1850. Since, deceased. Please contact 808-366-0847 or lmby@hawaii.edu. KEAWE - Looking for genealogy records 1 or family members for my grandmother Hannah Keawe born 1875 in North Kohala, HI. Married my grandfather Henry K. Iaea born 1880 in Ka'u, HI. Married 1901 Hon. Territory of Hawai'i birth 1896-1909. Index

SHARE YOUR MANA'O ON KA WAI OLA ! Ka Wai Ola is pleased to announee the availability of a new Ka Leo o ka po'e feature. The new feature is designed to increase two way communication with our readers.

To be considered for publication, letters to the editor must be submitted to KWO@OHA.ORG by the 12th of the month. Letters should respond to articles recently published in Ka Wai Ola and focus on issues. Personal attacks will not be published. Ka Wai Ola reserves the right to edit for clarity and length.

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