Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 December 2017 — KABOCHA PUMPKIN SOUP [ARTICLE]


- Kabocha pumpkin - Onion - Whole head garlic - Coconut or olive oil - 2 cans coconut milk - 2 cups vegetable broth - Salt and pepper 1 . Wash pumpkin anel cut into large slices 2. Lightly rub with oil anel roast on a grill or in the oven for 10 minutes (slightly charred but not burnt) 3. At the same time, take the head of garlic and cut the top just enough to see Hl the flesh; put the whole head in the oven for 20 minutes 4. Rermove pumpkin from heat and trim off skin (the skin is edible so you ean choose to leave it on) 5. Dice the onion 6. In a large soup pot or deep saute pan on medium-low heat, add oil and the onion, then saute until soft 7. Chop pumpkin into chunks and add to pan with onion; saute a few minutes while stirring occasionally 8. Add your vegetable broth, stir and season with a few pinches of salt and pepper; adjust heat so soup will simmer but not boil hard 9. Take your roasted garlic and pop the flesh out the skin; mash and add to the lu pot 10. Onee your pumpkin is soft, add the coconut milk and eook a few rminutes more at a low temperature; taste and add more seasoning if needed 1 1 . This soup is best creamy, so if you have a food processor, immersion blender or high-heat blender, blend it 12. Serve with chive, cilantro or parsley garnish Note: This soup is aiso good with 'ulu. Afteryou blend, return it to the pot and add smali chunks of cooked 'ulu. Give them a eouple minutes on low heat to soak up the flavor, but be carefu I not to eook too long or the 'ulu will disintegrate. i i