Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 December 2017 — 'KEAHUALAKA' film to premiere in December [ARTICLE]

'KEAHUALAKA' film to premiere in December


Submitted by Ka 'lmi Na'auao o Hawai'i Nei lnstitute Members of the Board of Ka 'Imi Na'auao o Hawai'i Nei Institute enthusiastically announee two showings to launeh the Hawaiian culture organization's important new film documentary, "Keahualaka," on Kaua'i, where this ancient plaee of significance exists as part of the Kē'ē heiau complex. The first showing, a "red-carpet" invitational premiere for people who were supporters in the challenge of bringing both Ka 'Imi Institute and the restoration and maintenance of Keahualaka into being, will be held on the evening of Saturday, Dec. 2 at the Līhu'e Lutheran Church Hall. The public showing will take plaee at the Kaua'i Community College (KCC) new theater area on Thursday, Dec. 7. According to retired kumu hula Sally Jo "Keahi" Manea, secretary of Ka 'Imi Institute, the KCC Hawaiian Studies program will assist with access to this venue in the late afternoon. Exact times and details of the events are to be announced. Beginning in the 1970s, Ka 'Imi Institute's founder and current President Emeritus Roselle Keliihonipua

Bailey held a vision of what might happen if the important archaeological site of Keahualaka were to be released from its then-jungly hold of non-native plants and trees and rededicated to Laka, the Goddess of Hula, the forest and navigation, for whieh it was originally constructed in prehistoric times. Keahualaka is an important site for all of the Hawaiian islands, beyond Kaua'i. The work that went into freeing it from its almost forgotten state to its present and future recreated beauty is the focus of the documentary. That journey was documented in bits and pieces that have transpired over the years, via photo and film, including programs by representatives of Japan television and BBC lilm crews. The new lilm brings together the parts as a whole. "Keahualaka" is creatively pieced together, edited and completed by Serge Marcil/4dMedia and includes an in-depth interview of Bailey giving a firsthand account of what transpired after she sought and received permission to undertake the daunting challenge. "Keahualaka" includes archival photographs and segments of archival video footage filmed on the site during workdays and ceremonial events of hula

onee the ancient hula platform was cleared and rededicated some decades ago. The hoped-for outcome of Bailey's vision and the years of maintaining and honoring the archaeological site have eome about: Keahualaka and its surrounding area continue to draw people beyond cultural practitioners and haumana hula because of its significance and its beauty. The film celebrates this and underlines Bailey's charge to the pow-ers-that-be and the present and future keepers of the site to maintain and preserve the site as a continuation of this energy into the future. DVD copies of "Keahualaka" will be available for purchase at the film's showings for a nominal price. Proceeds from sales and tax-deductible donations made will fund the ongoing work and mission of the Ka 'Imi Institute, a non-profit cultural organization dedicated to seeking and making known "the truth of ancient Hawai'i" in a variety of ways. For further information, watch for future media announcements or eheek updates at www.kaimi.org or Ka 'Imi Institute's Facebook page. ■