Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 December 2017 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY We Passed! We are happy to announee that our first student has passed the State Contraotor exam for a oarpentry lioense (C-5). A second student has passed the Plumber Journeyman exam. By the time you read this article, a third student will likely have passed the November exam, and five other students are studying and preparing for the January-February exams. We are excited! Wearehopingtohavea second cohort of contractor students in January-Febuary lf you are interested in applying for this program, please contact Mona at phone 596-8990, ext. 1002, ormonab@hiilei.org. w HI'HEI ALOhlAue www.hiilei.org Funded in part by the Office of hlawaiian Affairs (OHA) and the U.S. Administration for Native Americans (ANA).


MakahiM Festival &Ke'AlohiHula Saturday November 1 8 at the Upper Meadow/Amphitheatre Hula competition, traditional games, live music, loeal vendors, and 'ono food - Learn moreatwaimeavalley.net