Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 December 2017 — OHA IN THE COMMUNITY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Mā'ili Community Board Meeting

Kapua Keli'ikoa-Kamai shares the importance of supporting keiki in our charter schools and empowering Ihem by investing in their education - Photo: Jason Lees

The community of Wai'anae moku eome together for the first OHA Board of Trustees community meeting on O'ahu at the Community Learning Center at Mō'ili,- Photo: Jason Lees

Mieah Doane is tired of his community being treated like a trash ean. He is a part of Protectors of Paradise, a community group combatting illegal dumping on the west side of O'ahu. - Photo: Jason tees