Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 34, Number 12, 1 December 2017 — Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

@HA 0ffice of Hawaiian Affairs BDARD DF TRUSTEES Note: īwstee columns represent the views of individuol trustees ond may not reflect the officiol positions odopted by the Office of Howoiion Affoirs Boord of īrustees. Colette Y. Machado Chair. īrustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i Tel: 808.534.1837 Fax: 808.534.0ZI2 Email: cūlettemBūha.ūrg ūan Ahuna Vice Chair. Trustee Kaua'iand Ni'ihau Tel: 808.534.1751 Email: daūaBūha.ūrg Leina'ala Ahu lsa. Ph.ū. Trustee, At-large TEI: 808.534.1877 Fax: 838.534.1853 Email: ladyg®uha.urg Rowena Akana Trustee, At-large TEI: 808.534.1803 Fax: 808.534.0203 Email: rūwensEliūhE.Drg Keli'i Akina, Ph.ū. Trustee, At-large TEI: 8D8.534.I853 Email: TrusteEAkinaBiūha.Drg Peter Apo Trustee, O'ahu TEI: 838.534.1854 Fax: 8D8.534.I8B4 Email: pEtera®ūha.ūrg Carmeo "Hulu" Lindsey Trustee, Meui TEI: 808.534.1858 Fax: 8D8.534.I8B4 Email: h u I ū 10 d h a. d rg Robert K. Liodsey Jr. Trustee Hawai'i TEI: 838.534.1855 Fax: 808.534.1883 Email: rūbertl®ūha.ūrg Joho D. Waihe'e IV Trustee, At-large TEI: 808.534.I87B Email: crayna0ūha.ūrg