Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 4, 1 April 2018 — OHA grantees provide housing help for Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

OHA grantees provide housing help for Hawaiians


OHA grantees are affecting positive change in our strategic priority areas of health, housing, education, culture and eeonomie self-sufficiency throughout the pae 'āina. A total of $6 million in OHA funding will support 23 projects to benefit Native Hawaiians in fiscal years 2018 and 2019. Below are highlights from three of OHA's housing grantees that are connecting Native Hawaiians with training and counseling to increase their hnaneial capacity to rent or own a home and increase hnaneial stability. To see a full list of OHA funded grant projects for FY18-19 that are workmg to strengthen the Native Hawaiian community and the community at large, please visit www.oha.org/ohagrantees. ■

More than 200 Native Hawaiians have attended financial literacy education workshops hosted by Hawaiian Community Assets to better prepare them for home ownership. - Photo: Courtesy ofHowoiion Community Assets