Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 4, 1 April 2018 — Nānākuli Housing Corporation [ARTICLE]

Nānākuli Housing Corporation

Through an OHA grant, Nānākuli Housing Corporation is providing hnaneial and homeownership trainings to Native 1 Hawaiian households with low to moderate ineome. Nānākuli ' Housing Corporation has hosted three Financial Literacy, Homeownership and Home Maintenance Workshops on O'ahu covering topics such as credit repair, getting prequalifred for a home loan, shopping for and maintaining a home. Seven more workshops are scheduled on 4/21, 5/5, 5/19, 6/9, 6/23, 7/21 and 7/28. Call 520-2607 or email nhc.enrollment@baseyard.com to reserve your seat in the next workshop.