Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 4, 1 April 2018 — CELEBRATE books & MUSIC IN MAY [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



By Ka Wai Ola staff Hawai'i's annual festival for book lovers, music aficionados and folks who just want to leam more about the plaee they eall home takes over Honolulu's civic grounds the first weekend in May. The 2018 Hawai'i Book and Music Festival (HBFM) is an all-ages affair with a wide range of presentations and performances, taking plaee May 5 and 6 at the Frank F. Fasi Civic

Grounds near Honolulu Hale. 'Ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro will be among the last to take the stage, following 150 events featuring authors, musicians, hula hālau, storytellers and keiki entertainers across 10 venues. OHA sponsors the Alana Hawaiian Culture programming eaeh year, inviting authors, historians and scholars reveal some of the most fascinating aspects of their research and writings. This year features discussions on 'ōlelo Hawai'i revi-

talization, including a panel on the evolving theory behind the Hawaiian language immersion programs and experiences of students, teachers and alumni,

said HBFM Executive Director Roger Jellinek.

Other speakers will discuss illuminating finds from various archives.

particularly the newly renamed Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and k

Archives. Historian Tom Woods, who recently retired

as executive director at Mission Houses, pushed for a new trend in historiography that examines the collaboration of ali'i with early missionaries, Jellinek noted. Panelists will explore the Hawaiian concept of mana during a session on the book Mana Lāhui Kānaka by OHA's Ka Pouhana (CEO) Kamana'opono Crabbe's. The presenters will look at traditional and contemporary understandings of mana, as well as how collective mana ean be harnessed to uplift

Tawaiian communities. This year's festival takes plaee May 5 and 6 at ) the Frank F. Fasi Civic Grounds near

Honolulu Hale. The final schedule

will be posted at hawaiibookandmusicfes-

tival.com. ■ Jake Shimabukuro

Honolulu Star-Advertiser reporter, and editor of Hawoiion Music and Musicians, John Berger presents an image of Eddie Kamae to Myrna Kamae, at the 201 7 Hawai'i Book & Music Festival

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to perform on Sunday. - Photo: KennyKim

Above, Hawai'i Book & Music Main Stage audiF enee, 2017. ■ I' Photos: Courtesy Q Hawai'i Book & I Music Festival