Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 4, 1 April 2018 — Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I Kalihi-Palama culture &arts Society, Inc. i ilH^H -• ^ . V I ā V v may 19, 2018 • 10:00 a.m. • saint LOU1S SCHOOI. gym The purpose of this hula eompelilion is to provide Hawai'i'5 Secondary School students with the opportunities to: 1 . Demonstrate skill and knowledge related to Hawalian dance and other aspects of the Hawaiian Culture. 2. Afford cultural training unavailable in a school's curriculum. 3. Foster school pride in an atmosphere of positive competition. MORE INFORMATION (808)521-6905 INFO@KPCAIIAWAII.COM Sl<UNSOKCU BY @HA MHH īhe Malia Crover Huka Kah*o Competitton ts spon90fed by the Offce of Hawaiian Affc«. wortong to mprove the lrves of the Notive Howouan Cocnmunity, This project b cteo 9upported by the Katr-Polama CUture & Arts Soaety, ine. and n cooperation with a ptonning committee eompnaeel of schoof repfesentative3