Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 7, 1 July 2018 — Iulai [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
II CALENDAR LISTINGS | Tohavealocaleventlistedinourmonthly I | calendar, email kwo@oha.org at least | six weeks in advance. Make sure to include I | the location, price, date and time. If avail- | able, please attach a high-resolution (300 g dpi) photograph with your email.
HILO ORCHID SOCIETY ANNUAL SHOW AND SALE July 13, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; July 14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; July 15, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The state's largest and most eomprehensive orchid sale includes thousands of orchid displays, including exotic and hybrid species. Buyers ean purchase orchids suitable for beginning growers, as well as for experts, and other orchid-related items. Entertainment, food, lectures, demonstrations and a silent auehon are part of the show. $5 for one day, $8 for a three-day pass, 1 8 and under are free. Edith Kanaka'ole Stadium, hiloorchidsociety.org. NĀNĀ I KE KUMU: ACCESSING HAWAIIAN RESOURCE DATABASES July 14, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This workshop aimed at educators provides information on digital resources that ean enrich classroom lessons, such as Hawaiian databases containing demographic, geographic, cultural, historical and place-based information. Free, register at https://bit.ly/2sVsh07. Nā Lama Kukui, 560 N. Nimitz Hwy., Suite 200, 594-0232, kaimom@ oha.org. Proudly sponsored by OHA in partnership with Nānā I Ke Kumu.
DRESS FOR SUCCESS FINANCIAL EDUCATION WORKSHOP July 7, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Learn about resource management, employment, budgeting, saving, goal setting, banking, credit, loans, renting and fair housing, and receive a certificate of eomplehon and access to free credit report counseling. Free. Register at dfsh@ywcaoahu.org or 692-2632. Proudly sponsored by Wāiwāi No Nā Wāhine in partnership with Hawaiian Community Assets and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. MŌ'ILI'ILI SUMMER FEST July 7, 5 to 10 p.m. Historic Mō'ili'ili celebrates Obon season with a street festival and Honolulu's largest bon dance. Free. 1110 University Ave. (former Varsity Theatre parking lot), www.moiliilisummerfest.com. WILDEST SHOW IN TOWN July 11, 18, 25, 4:35 to 7 p.m. Live entertainment, special pienie fare, pre-concert activities and 'ukulele giveaways make this concert series popular with 'ohana. Performers include Beat Lele on July 11, Makaha Sons on July 25 and a special guest on July 1 8. Free. Honolulu Zoo, honoluluzoo.org.
48TH ANNUAL 'UKULELE FESTIVAL July 15, 10:30 a.m to 5 p.m. 'Ukulele virtuosos, interna-tionally-known musicians, loeal celebrities, players from around the world and an 800 student orchestra will provide hours of entertainment. Free. Kapi'olani Park, www. ukulelefestivalhawaii.org. 43RD ANNUAL QUEEN LILI'UOKALANI KEIKI HULA COMPETITION July 19-21 This festival honors Hawai'i's last reigning monarch with song, dance and chant. Watch Miss & Master Keiki Hula starting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, kahiko keiki hula at 6 p.m. on Friday and 'auana keiki hula at 1 p.m. on Sunday. $14 general, $12 ages 4-12. Blaisdell Arena, www. keikihula.org. Proudly sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. 41ST PRINCE LOT HULA FESTIVAL July 21, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; July 22, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 'Iolani Palaee will onee again host the Prince Lot Hula Festival, presented by the Moanalua Gardens Foundation. The festival is the state's largest non-competitive hula event, honoring Prince Lot Kapuāiwa,
who reigned as Kamehameha V and helped to reprise hula. Admission to the Palaee during the festival will be free. 'Iolani Palaee lawn, moanaluagardensfoundation.org. OHA is a proud sponsor. ROAD TO SUSTAINABLE LIVING WORKSHOP July 21, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 28, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hawaiianprospective homeowners ean register for a Nānākuli Housing Corporation workshop that helps participants prepare to purchase a home, as well as maintain it. Workshops include workbooks and
one-on-one counseling. Free. NHC-Baseyard Hawai'i, register at 520-2607 or email I nhc.enrollment@ I baseyard.com. Proudly sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Nānākuli Housing Corporation.
50TH STATE OF MIND July 21, shows at 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Brother Noland, John Cruz and Kalapana perform in the Lili'u Theater at the Hawai'i Convention Center. $65-$125. Hawai'i Convention Center, events.brothemoland.com. 2ND ANNUAL MĀLAMA NĀ KEIKI FESTIVAL July 28, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Expectant mothers, young families, prospective parents and
supportive 'ohana are invited for a family-friendly day of activities aimed at improved prenatal care, birth outcomes and parenting skills on Hawai'i Island. Free. Na'ālehu Park, 808-969-9220, lisa@hmono. org. Proudly sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
īhe Tonga Sisters to pertorm at the BISAC s 6th Annual Summer Jam. - Photo: Courtesy SUMMER JAM 2018 - HEALTH AND FITNESS FAIR July 28, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy fitness demos, taste food samples, eheek out health fair resources, take part in health screenings and cheer on your favorite strength competitors. Free. Edith Kanaka'ole Tennis Stadium, www.summerjamhawaii.com. Proudly sponsored by the Office of HawaiianAffairs. LĀ HO'IHO'I EA July 29, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. The 175th Anniversary of Hawaiian Restoration Day — includes education.
cultural sharing, eommunity networking and free music. I Moani Akaka and Puanani Rogers will be honored. Free. Thomas Square, www.lahoihoiea.org.
LĀ HO'IHO'I EA CEREMONY AND STATUE UNVEILING July 31, 10 a.m. The City and County of Honolulu's celebration includes the unveiling of a statue of King Kamehameha III at the renovated Thomas Square Park, followed by the inaugural sacred lei draping. The Royal Hawaiian Band will provide music and Puakea Nogelmeier will provide keynote remarks. Free. Thomas Square Park, Honolulu, moca-info@honolulu.gov. ■
43RD ANNUAL QUEEN LILI'UOKALANI KEIKI HULA COMPETITION July 19-21 This festival honors Hawai'i's last reigning monarch with song, dance and chant. Watch Miss & Master Keiki Hula starting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, kahiko keiki hula at 6 p.m. on Friday and 'auana keiki hula at 1 p.m. on Saturday. $14 general, $12 ages 4-12. Blaisdell Arena, www. keikihula.org. Proudly sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
mmmmM ^ T a~± v 1 it 201 1 Keiki Hula. 2nd place Kaikamahine-Halau Kekuaokala'au'ala'iliahi. - Photo: Roy Yamasaki