Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 35, Number 11, 1 November 2018 — Committee seeks candidates for Kamehameha Schools trustee position [ARTICLE]

Committee seeks candidates for Kamehameha Schools trustee position

Submitted by Aubrey Hawk PR Asearch will be conducted to fill a Kamehameha Schools Trustee position. The term for Trustee Corbett A.K. Kalama will expire on June 30, 2019. The current Board of Trustees in addition to Corbett A.K. Kalama includes Lanee K. Wilhelm, Robert K.W.H. Nobriga, Mieah A. Kane and Eliott K. Mills. The Probate Court has appointed a Trustee Screening Committee consisting of seven volunteer community members. They are Jason R. Fujimoto, Robert T. Fujioka, Douglas M. Goto, Ka'iulani Murphy, Miehael Pietsch, Miehael Rawlins and Ka'iulani K. Sodaro. The Trustee Screening Committee will propose three candidates to the Probate Court whieh will appoint the new Successor Trustee. The Trustee will be appointed to fill one five year term and may be eligible for an additional five year term, to be determined by the Court. The Trustee Screening Committee is seeking active leaders within the community with a deep sense of commitment and the ability to ensure Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop's vision and legacy are perpetuated into the future. Candidates must possess demonstrated expertise in one or more of the following areas: Business administration; Finance and Investment; Strategic Planning and Policy Setting; or areas of interest to Kamehameha Schools, including Education, Law and Governance. An ideal candidate must possess a recognized reputation of integrity and good character; capacity to fulfill the responsibilities of a fiduciary under the trust law; respect for and from the community; consistent active leadership in the community with specific emphasis on issues impacting the well-being of the people of Hawai'i; history of success in business, hnanee or related areas; a formal education; outstanding personal traits including Hawaiian values; willingness and sincerity to uphold the mission of the Kamehameha Schools. Qualified candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and a statement on their vision of their role and objectives for the Trust to: Trustee Screening Committee, e/o Inkinen & Associates, 1003 Bishop St. Suite 1477, Honolulu, HI 96813 or e-mail to Executives@inkinen.com. Deadline for submission is December 14, 2018. ■