Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 1, 1 January 2019 — 2019 [ARTICLE]



E nā 'ohana Hawai'i: lf you are planning a reunion or looking for genealogical information, Ka Wai Ola will print your listing at no charge on a space-available basis. Listings should not exceed 200 words. OHA reserves the right to edit all submissions for length. Send your information by mail, or e-mail kwo@OHA.org. E ola nāmamo a Hāloa!

LINCOLN - Descendants of Lorenzo Lineoln. The 'Ohana Lineoln Reunion Committee is planning our next family reunion for Friday, June 21 (family tour) and Saturday, June 22, 2019 (at Hale Hālawai) in Kona. Reaching out to the descendants of Lorenzo Lineoln! Please contact the following Committee Members for more information: Rowena Lineoln at 808-497-1219, email: Ehulani822@yahoo.com, or Jonna Robello at 808-256-7817. (If neither of us answers the phone, leave a message please.) HEEN/MEHEULA -Calling all descendants of Chung Mook Heen, known in Hawai'i as Harry A. HEEN married Mary (Mele) Helemika Keaukahalani MEHEULA. Known Children: William Ha'eha'e Heen, Afong Waianuenue, Phoebe Kaenaokalani, Moses Keli'iolono Heen, Eliza (lulu) Lulukamakani, Ernest Nalanielua; Robert Kanehailua Kekuaiwahia, Edward Kahakelehua, and George Keawe-a-meheula. Harry may have had other wife's, we are hoping to connect with that 'Ohana as well. We are in the planning stages but are looking to do a family reunion sometime in 2020 on O'ahu. Please contact Teave Heen (808)-870-7656 teavehee@ gmail.com or Curtsi Heen Curtis.heen@yahoo. eom WOOLSEY- The descendants of George Woolsey and Mary Tripp are planning a family reunion on July 12-14, 2019 at One Ali'i Park, Molokai, Hawaii. George Woolsey and Mary Tripp had ten children, all of whom have produced

descendants: George "Buddy" (Bertha) Woolsey Jr., Annie (Herbert) Kahikina, Mary "Kaekae" (Billy) Spencer, Lawrence "Kanila" (Ku'uipo) Woolsey, James "Kimo" Woolsey, Marion "Tita" (George) Gramberg, Robert "Bobby" (Napua) Woolsey, William "Bill" (Julie) Woolsey, Edwin "Eddie" (Jackie) Woolsey, and Fredrick "Fifī/ Fred" (Doris/Joyce) Woolsey. We will talk story, have music, games, enjoy eaeh other's eompany and have genealogy updates during the reunion. Camping is allowed for a small fee. For more information, please email: ohanawoolsey@ gmail.com.