Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 7, 1 July 2019 — OHA Board Actions [ARTICLE]

OHA Board Actions

The following actions were taken by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees, and are summarized here. For more information on board actions, please see the complete meeting minutes posted online at http://www.oha.org/BOT.

- LEGEND • 'Ae (Yes) • 'A'ole(No) Kānalua (Abstain) i Excused


Motion to move to approve Administration's recommendations on NEW BILLS (Items 1-2) and BILL POSITIONS FOR RECONSIDERATION (Item 3); as well as ADD: Motion passes with nine A YES. • HCR 132/SCR 174 as COMMENT on the OHA Legislative Positioning Matrix dated April 10, 2019, as amended. Motion to move to approve Administration's recommendations on: • OHA FED 2: S. 467 / H.R. 1191, both as SUPPORT Motl0n paSSeS Wlth nlne A YES' on the Federal Legislative Matrix dated April 10, 2019. Motion to approve RM #19-02 to authorize and approve an amendment to extend the Time of Performance for OHA Contract #3284 from April 30, 2019 to December 16, 2019. Moreover, any document requests to OHA, either outstanding or new Motion passes with eight requests, if any, shall be responded to as soon as possible, but in no case after April 29, 2019 such that the timeline for AYES and one NO vote. performance by CLA is not extended further. Motion to move to approve BOT executive policy amendments relating to a Trustee Protocol Allowance to cover expenses incurred in the course of a Trustee's duties and responsibilities as shown in Attachment "A" Motion passes with nine A YES. and Corresponding and Conforming Changes to BOT Operations Manual as shown in Attachment "B." Motion to move to approve the method, process, timeline, survey, and evaluation instrument for the performance appraisal of Ka Pouhana/CEO as recommended by Kumabe HR LLC in its presentation to the Board of Trustees on April 11, 2019: 1. Use the 360 degree evaluation model as the method to evaluate the performance of Ka Pouhana/CEO; 2. Follow the process to implement the 360 degree evaluation as outlined in the presentation; 3. Use the survey recommended and drafted by Kumabe HR LLC for generating comments from participants identified in the presentation4. Use the evaluation instrument recommended and drafted by Kumabe HR LLC to compile results from Trustees to Motion passes with nine AYES. evaluate Ka Pouhana/CEO; 5. Establish the performance evaluation period as outlined in the presentation to include April 1, 2018 to June 1, 2019 with a flexible closing date depending on the final performance approval; and 6. Follow the timeline outlined in the presentation to complete the performance appraisal of Ka Pouhana/CEO by June 6, 2019.

Motion to move to approve Administration's recommendations on NEWBILLS; Items I and 2, both as MONITOR, and Item 55, Motion passes with eight HB1586 as COMMENT on the OHA Legislative Positioning Matrix dated May 1, 2019, as amended. AYES and one EXCUSED. Motion to move to approve BOT executive policy amendments relating to a T rustee Protocol Allowance to cover expenses Motion msses with pieht incurred in the course of a Trustee's duties and responsibilities as shown in Attachment "A" and Corresponding and Con- . yFc anrinnp FYrnsFn forming Changes to BOT Operations Manual as shown in Attachment "B." MOTION: The RM Committee approves and recommends approval to the Board of Trustees of the FY19 Commercial Property Budget Realignment for: Motion Dasses with eisht 1. Kaka'ako Makai revenue of $2,234,275 (increase); nvF^Hn^FYri iln 2. Na Lama Kukui revenue of $691,996 (increase); R rtb anc one tALUbbu3. Na Lama Kukui expenses of $150,040 (increase); and 4. Kaka'ako Makai reclassification of $394,375 in expenses from the 'equipment' to 'program' line item classification. Motion to approve $35,000 for Emergency Disaster Relief for Kaua'ula Maui, subject to statutory disbursement requirements; and to authorize and approve the transfer and use of funds available in OHA's FY19 Core Operating Motion passes with eight Budget from Program 1100-Board of Trustees, Object Code 57280-Trustee Allowance to Program 3800-Grants, Object AYES and one EXCUSED. Code 56530-Grants in Aid, as amended. Motion to authorize and approve the use of a professional executive search and consulting firm to assist the Committees on BAE and RM for the recruitment and selection of a Chief Executive Officer and to authorize and approve a Motion passes with eight budget reallocation to move $50,000 from OHA's FY 19 Core Operating Budget, program code 1100-Board of Trustees, AYES and one EXCUSED. object code 57280-Trustee Allowance, to object code 57110 — Services on a fee Basis. Motion to move to: A. Approve the Economic Development Policy, noting that Administration will return with the implementation procedures for Board action; B. Approve the Debt Management Policy, noting that Administration will return with the implementation procedures for Board action; Motion passes with six AYES, one C. Acknowledge the Spending Policy language and the existing Native Hawaiian Trust Fund (NHTF) Spending policy, ABSTENTION and one EXCUSED. as Amended, noting Administration will return with consolidated policy document for Board action; and D. Acknowledge the Investment and Real Estate Policy language and the existing NHTF Investment and Real Estate Vision, Mission, and Strategy policies, noting Administration will return with consolidated policy document(s) for Board action. ■ ■
