Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 36, Number 11, 1 November 2019 — Hawaiians & the Economy: We're in The Same Boat as Everyone! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Hawaiians & the Economy: We're in The Same Boat as Everyone!

Whenever I visit mainland cities, I'm delighted to run into kama'aina. For example, when I go to eonferences in Las Vegas, I am frequently greeted with "Aloha, Unele!" by hotel workers or employees in restaurants who hail from Hawai'i. On trips as far away as Washington, D.C., I've joined in celebrations with Hawaiian Civic Clubs and have been entertained by hula hālau. According to recent census figures, nearly half of all Hawaiians

now live on the mainland. This growing trend reflects that Hawai'i now has one of the highest rates of long-term residents leaving home. While most leave to seek better opportunities, many of their stories are tinged with sadness. For example, Chelsea, an OHA beneficiary, writes from Tacoma, Washington: "Here I purchased a three-bedroom, twobath house with a garage, large yard and street parking for $280,000. It is six houses away from a great elementary school. My grocery bill is about $120 a week; it provides three full meals, snacks and extras daily. I have extra money and ean help support my sister's kids." But as wonderful as Chelsea's new opportunities on the mainland are, she continues... "I wish we could go back. I miss the beach, the food, the sun, the people. . . but realistically, what I see for myself and my family I no longer see in Hawai'i." Ashlynn, another kanaka who has moved to the mainland, writes... "In Hawai'i, we could never think of owning a home, but here in Arizona we actually have a ehanee to be able to buy a home. As hard as it was to leave Hawai'i, we knew we had to do better for our daughter." Chelsea's and Ashlynn's stories underscore a serious problem. Even though Hawaiians have access to resources from

OHA, the Department of Hawaiian Homelands, the Ali'i trasts, and various government programs, we are still part of an economy that is not working as it should. n Hawai'i, the cost of living, especially housing, makes it difficult for many to make ends meet. Solving the cost of living problem is essential to improving the conditions of the Hawaiian people. And to solve it, we have to recognize that it is not simply our problem, but everyone's problem. When it comes to the economy, we are all in the same

boat. Therefore, we need to consider major solutions that make it possible for all to earn a reasonable living. One solution worth mentioning is to increase the supply of housing to bring the cost of housing down. In Hawai'i less than 5% of all land is used for housing and urban development. A small but reasonable increase of that figure could enable eonstraction of significantly more housing to address the high demand. There are ways to do this without damaging the environment nor limiting agriculture. Simply updating our land use policies according to best practices would make this possible. This is just one of many macro solutions that ean benefit all residents. The point I'm trying to make is that if we work to do good for all people of Hawai'i, we end up helping Hawaiians. The solutions Hawaiians need for housing, jobs, education and heahh care go well beyond the resources of Hawaiian serving organizations. These solutions are not possible without a healthy overall economy. To use another boat analogy, the way to raise the water level of one boat is to raise the water level of all boats. I'll be writing more on this in future eolumns. E hana kākou/Lets Work Together!U

Keli'i Akina, Ph.D. TrustBE, At-laryE