Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 1, 1 January 2020 — NOTICE OF CONSULTATION SECTION 106 OF THE NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT OF 1966 AS AMENDED (2006) [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



IMPROVEMENTS TO COLLECTOR ROADS, PORTIONS OF OLOHENA ROAD, KUKUI STREET, AND ULU STREET DISTRICT OF KAWAIHAU, ISLAND OF KAUA'I, AHUPUA'A OF NORTH OLOHENA, WAIPOULI, AND KAPA'A Tax Map Key(s): (4) 4-3-003:999, (4) 4-4-005:999, (4) 4-4-006:999, (4) 4-5-008:999, (4) 4-5-009:999, (4) 4-5-010:999, and (4) 4-5-015:003 The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the County of Kaua'i Department of Public Works ("County") would like to update a notice that was published on August 1, 2019, regarding consultation under Section 106 of the Nahonal Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, as amended (2006) for this project. The project proposes to rehabilitate and resurface roadways along portions of Olohena Road, Kukui Street, and Ulu Street in Kapa'a. In addition, this update modifies the project description to add a potential new roundabout whieh may also be added on Olohena Road at the intersection with Kahau Road and Lehua Street. This proposed County project is considered a federal action and undertaking, as defined in Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800. 16(y). The purpose of the proposed project is to rehabilitate these collector roads that exhibit cracked and damased nave-

ment. The project will also evaluate options for improving traffic operations along Kukui and Ulu Streets in the vicinity of Kūhiō Highway. The affected road segments are the following: • Olohena Road - Kamalu Road to 200 feet beyond Ka'apuni Road (2.5 miles); • Olohena Road/ Kukui Street - Kapa'a Bypass Road roundabout to Kūhiō

Highway (0.3 miles); • Ulu Street - Kukui Street to Kūhiō Highway (0.3 miles). Because of the addition of the potential new roundabout, the following road segments may also be affected: • Lehua Street - Roughly 200 feet from its intersection with Olohena Road; and • Kahau Road - Roughly 200 feet from its intersection with Olohena Road. The project may include additions or deletions of pedestrian sidewalks, bike lanes, turn lanes, and parking areas. Shoulder widening along Olohena Road may also be included where there is adequate space. Drainage, utility, and roadway safety improvements will be conducted where appropriate, including improvements at Olohena Bridge 2 on Olohena Road. Generally, all affected roadways will retain their existing geometry. Most work would be conducted within the roadway right-of-way (ROW), but some project actions may extend beyond the ROW. The County of Kaua'i will obtain easements from affected property owners for project elements extending beyond the ROW. No displacements of existing uses are anticipated by these relocations and easements. The proposed Area of Potential Effects ( APE) comprises the portions of Olohena Road including a portion of the Kapa'a Bypass Road roundabout, Kukui Street, Ulu Street, Lehua Street, and Kahau Road. The APE is a total of approximately 42 acres, along a total of about 3.1 miles of roadway. Because some work may extend beyond the roadway ROWs, we propose that the APE extend approximately 10 feet on either side of the ROW alomi the r»roiect area. The APE extends approxi-

mately 10 feet below the surface for most of its footprint, but may be deeper at Olohena Bridge 2 depending on final project design. We weleome any information you may have on historical and cultural sites that have been recorded in or whieh you may have knowledge of within the proposed APE. In addition, if you are acquainted with

any persons or organization that is knowledgeable about the proposed APE, or any descendants with ancestral, lineal or cultural ties to or cultural knowledge and/or historical properties information of or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the proposed project area, we would appreciate receiving their names and contact information. Should you wish to participate in the Section 106 process, we request your written intent. Entitled consulting parties during the Section 106 process includes the Advisory Council of Historic Preservation, State Historic Preservation Officers, Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHOs), loeal governments and applicants for federal assistance, permits, licenses and other approvals. NHOs and Native Hawaiian descendants with ancestral, lineal or cultural ties to, cultural and historieal property knowledge of and/or concerns for, and cultural or religious attachment to the proposed APE are asked to contact the County by the date specified below. Other individuals and organizations with legal, eeonomie, or historic preservation interest are also requested to respond by the date below to demonstrate your interest in the proposed undertaking and provide intent to participate in the Section 106 process; your participation is subject to FHWA approval. Please also provide your comments on the proposed APE, any information you may have on cultural and/or historical sites that have been recorded within the APE, as well as, the names and contact information of people/organizations who may have cultural affiliations and historical properties information in the vicinity of the proposed APE. Interested participants are requested to contact Mr. Joel Bautista, DPW Project Manager, via email at jbautista@ kauai.gov, or by US Postal Service to County of Kaua'i Department of Public Works, Engineering Division, 4444 Rice Street, Suite 175, Līhu'e, HI 96766-1340. Please respond by January 31, 2020.