Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 04, 1 April 2020 — NOTICE TO ALL OHA BENEFICIARIES [ARTICLE]


During the COVID-19 crisis, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs' priority is to maintain safe anel heaithy community and work environments for OHA staff and beneficiaries while also, to the extent possible, limiting disruptions in our services to the lāhui. Following federal and state guidance, including Governor David lge's announcement on March 17, 2020, OHA closed all of its offices to the public as of Wednesday March 18, 2020. OHA's offices will remain closed to the public through Apnl 30, 2020, in eomplianee with Governor lge's "stay-at-home" mandate that went into effect on March 25, 2020. This inciudes our Honolulu, neighbor island and Washington, D.C. offices. Modified services to our beneficiaries will continue during this period. Non-essential OHA staff are teleworking from home. Continued services will foliow federai and state guidanee on social distancing and require advance scheduling of appointments. Updates to OHA's operational plans and available services will be posted at www.oha.org/covidl9 and on OHA social mee a platforms. While these are unprecedented times, our lāhui has historicaily demonstrated remarkable resiiience in the face of daunting challenges. Our aloha spirit, as weil as our strong sense of kuleana to mālama eaeh other, are the unbreakabie cultural values that have enabled us to persevere as a people. OHA stands with our community and is committed to eontinuing to serve our beneficiaries during this time of need. Updates and additional information will be available at www.oha.org/covidl9, on OHA social media platforms and via phone at 808-594-1835. For information about COVID-19, please visit: • World Heath Organization: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 • Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019 • State of Hawai'i Department of Health: https://health.hawaii.gov/docd/advisories/novel-coronavirus-2019/ Story Series Postponed In Ka Wai Ola's March issue, we ran the first of a three-part series about Kumu Hula Meleana Manuel of Ke 'Olu Makani O Mauna Loa. This was to be the debut of Kumu Meleana's hālau at the Merrie Monarch, and Ka Wai Ola was invited to foIIow them on their journey. Due to the canceIIation of the 2020 Merrie Monarch Festival, the three-part series, "Becoming the Wind, " will be held until the resumption of normaI activities and run in advance of the next Merrie Monarch Festival. Mahalo foryour understanding. E mālama pono kākou.