Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 10, 1 October 2020 — MAYOR [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



1 1 Many have described how the pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated socio-economic inequities experienced by vulnerable eommunities, including Native Hawaiians and Pacific lslanders. As mayor, what steps would you take, if any, to identify and address the unique needs and challenges of those who are often "forgotten" or overlooked in the county's policies and programs, and other initiatives? 2 | "Sweeps" of houseless individuals and families have heen warned against by the Centers for Disease Control, and at least one pre-pandemic study shows that their overall effectiveness at getting people to services and shelters is questionable at best, With dwindling shelter space remaining, and large numbers of county residents experiencing ever-increasing substantial housing insecurity during this pandemic, what other strategies would you have the county pursue to address the needs of those experiencing houselessness beyond or as an alternative to "sweeps?" 3 | lf the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that eeonomie dependence on tourism is fragile and that greater eeonomie diversification is necessary. What are your views on creating a more diversified, sustainable economy for Hawai'i and what specif ie industries do you think would most benefit Hawai'i and its people?