Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 10, 1 October 2020 — MAYOR [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



1 1 Can you describe your connections to the Native Hawaiian community on your island, and how you would address issues that may have a particular impact or be of particular eoneem to Native Hawaiians? Would you consult with or seek advice from ŪHA on such matters? 2 | lf the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that eeonomie dependence on tourism is fragile and that greater eeonomie diversif ication is necessary, What are your views on creating a more diversified, sustainahle economy for Hawai'i and what specific industries do you think would most benefit Hawai'i and its people? 3 | What role, if any, ean the county play in resolving issues regarding the management and use of Maunakea?