Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 10, 1 October 2020 — ALAPA, [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



© luanaalapa@gmail.com © AlapaforOHA.com AGE: 59 ūeeUPAĪION: lndependent Sales WHERE ūlū YŪU GRŪW UP: Growing up spent half my youth with my father. Stanley Alapa and step-mom in Ho'olehua. Moloka'i: and the other half spent growing up with my mother. Kauana Kanahele and step-dad, Leroy Pukahi in Lā'ie, ū'ahu. SCHŪŪL[S] AHENŪEŪ: Kamehameha Sehools: University ef Hawai'i, Mānoa

1 ] In August 2020, our Moloka'i High School HOSA program started a GoFundMe Account to raise funds for Moloka'i students interested in the health field. Raising of funds were to help defray travel expenses for students to do site visits on O'ahu. They needed $500. I contacted friends for donations & then got a matching grant from Texaco. We raised $1,000 that day for our youth to attend the Health Workshop. There is a critical need on Moloka'i to feed the children, kūpuna and 'ohana because of Covid-19. I was contacted by Mālama Meals from O'ahu to organize volunteers who were willing to distribute hot meals three days per week. About 4,500 meals were delivered eaeh week to our kūpuna and families. If elected to OHA, I would make myself and my office available to support all community organizations of Moloka'i, Lāna'i as well as the rest of the state transparently and fairly. 2] Asa proactive solution, OHA ean be the catalyst in initiating an inter-island ferry system. Inter-island transportation is regulated by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). I would commit, if elected as a trustee, to engage my fellow trustees to explore the feasibility of investing in an inter-island boat transportation ferry system such as they do in many U.S. & international cities. Cities such as Seattle, Washington, have an efficient and vital ferry system to transport passengers and cargo between their mainland port and different island ports. Another example is in French Polynesia between the main island of Pape'ete and the island of Mo'orea, the ferry there transports residents, tourists and cargo. The ferry would be vital to the wellbeing of our beneficiaries while serving all of the residents of our neighbor islands when done with proper approvals such as an Environmental lmpact Statement. The Super Ferry had a controversial history but was praised by different sectors of the community for providing alternative transportation. OHA could be the catalyst in initiating a consortium partnership of this nature in finding strategic partners, investors and government agencies both federal and state who share the same vision to address a critical issue and need. 3 ] The question of Mauna A Wakea's (Mauna Kea) laek of stewardship and mismanagement under the University of Hawai'i master lease goes back 50 plus years. In my discussion with the Mauna Kea movement leadership, the Kia'i have complained of OHA's laek of proactive participation in this significant issue for over 39 years in helping to resolve the outstanding claims to protect and restore Mauna Kea from continued desecration. I support the efforts of the Kia'i to bring about accountability for the grave mismanagement of Mauna Kea and to include all stakeholders who have brought this issue to the forefront and world's attention. I applaud their bringing to the surface the continued disrespect by UH and the State of Hawai'i, to all its stakeholders, especially, the lineal descendants and cultural practitioners of this ieonie cultural resource. I support the enforcement of the Declaration of the Rights of lndigenous Peoples in how sacred sites are treated and managed under international law.

CURRENT RESIDENCE: Ho'olehua, Moloka'i