Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 10, 1 October 2020 — Who Will Decide Our Future? [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Who Will Decide Our Future?


With so mueh at stake in our pae 'āina and beyond, this may be the most important election in any of our lifetimes. Our votes will help to decide our collective future for generations. In this issue's cover story, Our 'Ōpio Speak Out, the next generation of lāhui leaders share the hopeful future they envision and proactive solutions to the problems we face. This self-portrait by Kamehameha Schools Kapālama senior Miehael Wedermeyer reminds us that while our 'ōpio may not be old enough to vote in this year's election, they are looking to those of us who ean vote to make pono choices and elect leaders who will uplift our lāhui and address urgent social and environmental issues today for the good of the generations that will follow. Michael's pieee captures the literal and figurative interface between kanaka and 'āina in our modern world. How do we as kanaka of today maintain a healthy dynamic with our 'āina so that kanaka of tomorrow ean appreciate this land of our kūpuna in the same way? We cannot escape this kuleana. It is embedded within our DNA. We must face that responsibility. ■

nnHEv' ' ik rft Art By: Michael Wedermeyer