Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 10, 1 October 2020 — Inspiring Young Minds; Transforming Young Lives [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Inspiring Young Minds; Transforming Young Lives


By Nālei Akina Queen Lili'uokalani dedicated her wealth to the most vulnerable of ehildren. She was acutely aware of the large numbers of orphaned and destitute children across the pae 'āina. While the Hawaiian populahon today is rebounding and showing higher rates of connectedness to 'ohana, Hawaiian ehildren are overrepresented in virtually every indicator of distress. As we look to the next 25 years, we believe investing in the wellbeing of today's most vulnerable kamali'i across a

continuum from ineephon to young adulthood will lead to better outcomes for them and for future generations, disrupting the cycle of poverty for Hawaiian families and communities. (For more information see: https://onipaa.org/pages/lili-uokalani-trust-unveils-strategic-plan-2020-2045 . ) To realize this vision, our strategy is designed to navigate the uncertainty ahead and eonhnue to promote thriving through transformational programs for our vulnerable kamali'i. Our path forward aligns community work with core initiatives in early childhood, youth development, and opportunity youth services - all rooted in culturally grounded elinieal services. For the first time in our history, LT will provide services from cradle to age 26. An early childhood center is planned for children from eoneephon to age five. Onsite housing for parenting youth will allow us to provide transformational pathways for both parents and children. Our statewide kīpuka (centers) will host youth development activities in arts, sports,

and entrepreneurship. Olinieal services focus on kamali'i experiencing foster care, juvenile justice, homelessness, and/or trauma or exploitation. Our social workers are piloting mohile services to reach kamali'i where they are. Lydia's House in Honolulu provides transitional housing for 42 youth. In 202 1 , it will launeh an assessment/drop-in center, emergency shelter, and wrap-around services for youth who are homeless, runaways, or at risk of committing status offenses. Additionally, the Trust has acquired approximately 7 acres in Kea'au on Hawai'i Island and 1.5 acres in Kaunakakai on Moloka'i for future program development. On Maui, commercial spaces in Lahaina and Pukalani are being renovated to host youth programs. In these times of uncertainty, we draw inspiration from our Queen's legacy to guide us in our work ahead. We know this is an endeavor we cannot do alone - that we must unite as a community to realize

a collective vision of thriving kamali'i, 'ohana and lāhui. E 'onipa'a kākou! We weleome those interested in the Queen, her legacy, her mission, to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @liliuokalanitrust, and visit www.onipaa.org to learn more and to sign up for ongoing LT eommunications. ■ With over 30 years ofexperience in nonprofit management, Nālei Akina currently supports the deveIopment ofLili 'uokalani Trust 's strategic initiatives in early childhood, youth development and opportunity youth services. Prior to joining LT, Nālei ser\'ed as administrator at Lunalilo Home overseeing all operations for the care of Native Hawaiian kūpuna, She has also held leadership positions at the National Asian Women 's Health Organization, Alvin Ailey American Dance Center, and ser\'es on the boards ofBoys & Girls Club of Hawai'i and Hawai'i Youth Opera Chorus.