Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 37, Number 11, 1 November 2020 — DHHL Revamps Financial Support Service Program [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

DHHL Revamps Financial Support Service Program


By Cedric Duarte Most of us are not taught the basics of money management while in school and many families fail to engage in open conversations about how money ean work for, and sometimes against, us. In many settings, the notion of discussing credits cards, savings, mortgages or investments ean be categorized as impolite. If we aren't taught how to use money in school and we don't discuss money amongst family and friends, then where do we get our information and how do we know if we're making sound decisions that set us up for future hnaneial success? These questions were considered when the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands elected to revamp its HALE program with expanded hnaneial support services for DHHL beneficiaries. Established by the Department in 2012, the HALE Program sought to aid lessees and Waiting List applicants with hnaneial literacy education. At the time, HALE focused on preventing lease cancellations and preparing families to become first-time home buyers. While those foundational pieces led to beneficiary success, here in 2020, the HALE Program builds on the original concepts and boasts a suite of added services whieh include courses on

Post-Home Maintenance, Vacant Lot Construction, and the Owner Builder Process. A Financial Planning 101 class is also being offered to provide strategies that will give families a boost in organizing finances through retirement. DHHL has also presented classes on understanding Medicare and Medicaid, as well as on the Affordable Care Act. Lease Cancellation Prevention and Homebuyer Education are still offered as part of the more extensive program. As we all continue to navigate through the impacts and new environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the expanded HALE program has pivoted to a virtual learning experience with online service. The online courses have already begun. Inperson classes will resume onee social distancing restrictions are relaxed. DHHL offers its HALE program free of charge to all of its beneficiaries in an effort to create financially healthy households. The Nānākuli Housing Corporation and Helen N. Wai, LLC, were selected to host the courses on behalf of the Department. Those interested in learning more about the services listed above should visit dhhl.hawaii.gov/hale and eomplete the online form for verification of beneficiary status. ■ Cedric R. Duarte is the Information & Community Relations Officer for the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. He has worked in communications and marketing since 1 999 and is a longtime event organizer. A product ofthe Kamehameha Schools and the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, he resides in 'Aiea with his wife and two daughters.