Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 4, 1 April 2021 — KAWAI OLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
By Ku'ualohapau'ole Lau Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found throughout the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Please do not include any spaces, special characters, or diacriticals ('okina and kahakō) in your answers.
ACROSS 4 Refers to the altar of the volcano deity 'Ailā'au. 7 hold special prominence for Kānaka 'Ōiwi because of the longstanding relationships and interconnections Native Hawaiians have with these places. 9 There are Neighborhood Boards on O'ahu that meet monthly and serve as the first line of support and information for residents with community concerns. 10 Credited for establishing Hawai'i's system of land division. 12 In early March OHA announced the release of additional grant solicitations to provide support to the Native Hawaiian community. 16 CNHA's Pop-Up Mākeke will begin partnering with and Shopi1y. 17 Our kūpuna taught us that , Kohala, Hawai'i was first home to Wākea and Papa. 19 OHA acquired acres of land surrounding Kūkaniloko. 20 Congress authorized the transfer of government surplus land to the Trust in 1995 with the enactment of the HHLRA. 23 OHA acquired its land during the 2012 legislative session, when the State of Hawai'i offered to settle its 32-year past-due debt to OHA. 24 The Collective was created in 2017 to address the pressing need to organize shared ideas, resources, and strategies to build capacity and take collective action in safeguarding Hawai'i's wahi kūpuna.
DOWN 1 A temporary arrangement that allows birth parents to reclaim their child at any time (hint: related to the traditional practice of hānai). 2 One of the most sacred of wahi kūpuna and considered to be the spiritual piko of O'ahu (hint: Birthing Stones). 3 Hawaiian word for "teeth." 5 Chair testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on lndian Affairs that the federal government must honor its responsibility to the Native Hawaiian People. 6 Database consists of varied collections pertaining to significant places, events, and documents in Hawai'i's history. 8 Native Hawaiians and Pacific lslanders account for percent of COVID-19 cases in the state. 11 OHA's vision statement (hint: To Raise a Beloved Lāhui). 13 Name of OHA's new strategic plan (hint: Strength to Wellbeing). 14 Our people are being out of our own home and moving to the continent just to be able to live comfortably. 15 A nonprofit that focuses on Native Hawaiian health and wellbeing. 18 2021 is a free community resource published by Kamehameha Publishing and available as a downloadable PDF. 21 Fruit that contains vitamins A and C, niaein, potassium, and a number of phytonutrients. 22 Nānā I Ke Kumu Volume I, defines as a permanent arrangement between birth parents and extended 'ohana and may be used for a variety of reasons.