Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 5, 1 May 2021 — Are We Digitally Ready for the Future? [ARTICLE]

Are We Digitally Ready for the Future?

By Ka'ala Souza One ean only wonder what the people of Hawai'i thought in 1820 when the crew of the Thaddeus offloaded the first printing press in Hawai'i. Could anyone anticipate the changes this technology would bring to the islands? We don't know what people thought that day, but we know that within a decade, literacy in Hawai'i grew from zero to over 90% - one of the highest rates of any nation in the world. Early in his reign Kamehameha III said, "He aupuni palapala ko'u - Mine shall be a kingdom of literacy." The monarchy's strong commitment to education provided the nation with opportunity. But it was the people and their deep desire to learn that made this achievement possible. On a visit to Hawai'i Island Ka'ahumanu saw how eager the people were for the "palapala" and remarked, "Many are the people, few are the books." She sent immediately for more books to be printed and delivered to the island. Today we need this same thirst for learning in a world forever disrupted by COVID-19. The pandemic accelerated and catalyzed a technology evolution into a digital revolution. Our keiki learn over the internet. Our kūpuna see their doctors online. We celebrate births, mourn lost loved ones, and witness marriages virtually. Even before the virus, technology was transforming our world; the ways we communicate, shop, travel, bank, play - all of it has been impacted by technology. Many of us have jobs requiring skills that we could not have imagined

a decade ago. And our children are in school preparing for jobs that don't yet exist. We can't know what the future holds. However, we ean anticipate that technology will continue to change. The question is, are we ready for these changes? Can we adapt and pivot to utilize the technology available to us? Can we learn what we need to thrive here in Hawai'i and keep our families together on the 'āina? American Philosopher Eric Hoffer said, "In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists." For people with the skills and the tools, the future is wide open. However, for those with limited or no access to technology - or the skills to use it - the door is locked. As Hawaiians, we need to stay connected and take pride in our past while reaching to the future. Let's look for opportunities and leverage them. Let's listen to the voices of our ancestors while finding places to grow. Kamehameha III' s vision of a literate nation echoes still in our islands today. We must work to make this vision a reality, and for every one of us to be digitally ready. Mākaukau? ■ Ka'ala Souza is part ofthe team at the state's Workforce Development Council focusing on upskilling Hawai'i's workforce to be ready for anything thefuture brings. He is also a public speaker, corporate trainer, and author of the book, "Pono: A Hawaiian-Style Appwaeh to Balance and Well-Being. "