Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 5, 1 May 2021 — KA WAI OLA CROSSWORD PUZZLE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


By Ku'ualohapau'ole Lau Ua maka'ala? Have you been paying attention? Answers for this crossword puzzle ean be found throughout the pages of this issue of Ka Wai Ola. Please do not include any spaces, special characters, or diacriticals ('okina and kahakō) in your answers.

ACROSS 3 The are a Native Hawaiian family who discovered military ordnance on their 'āina. 5 DHHL's Rent-With-Option-To-product will allow families who earn up to 30 percent, 40 percent and 60 percent of the AMI to pay an affordable monthly rent. 6 He aupuni ko'u (Mine shall be a kingdom of literacy). 7 A new community center located in KailuaKona opens a workspace for office work and distance learning. 10 To share your mana'o in Ka Wal Ola go to: kawaiola.news/about/ / 12 Dr. Kara Wong Ramsey is using this social media platform to raise awareness about COVID-19 and how to protect yourself and others. 14 Kapena Shim says, "The lāhui is hungry for 15 The name of OHA's 15-year strategic plan. 16 A number of studies and programs had demonstrated the success of a traditional Hawaiian in lowering body weight and more. 20 "Find your passion," are three words lives by.

DOWN 1 What do construction workers fall from the most? 2 Kumu Hula Meleana Manuel will present her hālau, , at the Merrie Monarch Festival in June 2021. 4 The last sovereign king of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau. 6 Grade 11 student whose experiment related to caring for kalo. 8 ASU and Kamehameha Schools will launeh the first Hawai'i cohort for its online Master of Arts in Education. 9 The now-discredited field of study that looked at selective breeding and forced sterilization to improve human populations. 11 The cost of in Honolulu increased by 5.6% in 2020. 12 new Hawaiian Homes Commissioners were confirmed by the Hawai'i State Senate. 13 For people around the world, Hawai'i's main draw is its natural . 17 The Native Hawaiian Burial Protection and NAGPRA will be hosting a seminar on grave protection. 18 Our keiki and are the future of this lāhui. 19 The World Health Organization lists vaccine hesitancy as one of the top _ threats to global health.