Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 10, 1 October 2021 — Being “The Friendly Isle” and “The Aloha State” for our People [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Being “The Friendly Isle” and “The Aloha State” for our People


Our ancient tradition is oral history. As I learn by seeing and by hearing, I become the haumana and those who are dedicated to advancing a range of native Hawaiian concerns heeome kumu. It is my kuleana to make decisions, sometimes tough ones. But when I do, they will be based on "how" it will benefit our people. We

cannot allow ourselves to get stuck in the sand unahle to progress. We ean imua through positivity and unity around eommon goals! Your Trustee on the Move

Some may feel it was a historic moment on Moloka'i when Sen. Lynn DeCoite, Councilwoman Keani Raw-lins-Fernandez, Stacie Crivello (liaison to Mayor Victorino), and Congressman Kai Kahele eame together to listen to island concerns at a meeting hosted by your Trustee. My kuleana and hope is to build partnerships among officials and constituents with OHA where we ean; and to support advocacv efforts

where partnership is not possible. We are all of like mind in supporting self-sus-tainability on Moloka'i and across the islands. This ean be done in agriculture, natural resources, fishing and protection of water assets. Building unity and bridges is critical to

achieve these near- and longterm goals. Efforts that Unite Across the Islands

Your Trustee visited the Moloka'i fish pond, Keawanui, and saw firsthand the effort to achieve self-sustain-ing fishing. Walter Ritte educated me about restoration of the fishpond walls, among many things, and spoke about the dedicated volunteers participating in the task. Restoration of ancient fish ponds is not unique only to Moloka'i. Our ancestors had self-sustaining food systems on eaeh island. My plan is to visit the other islands not only to learn about endeavors to restore fish ponds but also to foster sharing of knowledge and to identify any role OHA may be able to play. Another issue that is a historic struggle is the battle to win back kuleana lands. No island is exempt from this endeavor. 'Ohana on Moloka'i have been at it for decades! I am exploring what we ean do to support these efforts as OHA does have a history of lending resources to protect kuleana land claims. Seeking Your Mana'o I have received many comments about our grant and loan programs. Please write to me at alapainfo@oha.

org with your manao on this. Have you tried to apply and gotten discouraged? Why did that happen? We need to get OHA funds not only to those experienced at aequiring funds, but also to our people who may not have the same skill to navigate through the process. Let me know your thoughts. ■

Luana Alapa Trustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i

(L-R) Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, Kai Kahele, Luana Alapa, Lynn DeCoite, Stacie Crivello and Walter Ritte. - Photo: Courtesy

At 73-acres Keawanui fishpond is the largest, and possibly the oldest, fishpond on Moloka'i. - Photo: Courtesy

Trustee Alapa during her first Moloka'i Community Meeting - Photo: Aliee Malepeai Silbanuz