Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 38, Number 11, 1 November 2021 — 'A'OLE TMT PROTEST AT UH [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
On Oct. 8, 2021 Maunakea Protectors gathered at UH Mōnoa to voice opposilion to the UH Draft Maunakea Master Plan. Ihe Protectors reject the UH Draft Maunakea Master Plan, stating ihal the Maunakea summits are stolen Hawaiian lands ihal are at the piko of Hawai'i's lndigenous culture. "UH has shown itself to be a had manager of these important lands for over 50 years and their Master Plan for the future of Maunakea validates the fact ihal UH nas nol been listening nor do they care ahoul the harm further development on the summits will do to the Kōnaka Maoli people and to those who love and protect this mounlain," said organizer Healani Sonoda-Pale. - Photo: Courtesy