Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 August 2022 — Van K. Tanabe [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Van K. Tanabe

Age | 64 Occupation | Retired Where did you grow up | O'ahu, 'Aiea Schooling | 'Aiea High School Current residence | hlonolulu, O'ahu Website | n/a

1 1 As governor my solution is to build affordable homes for the people of Hawai'i. For decades our politicians have made land deals with private developers to provide us with affordable homes. I got news for them, IT'S NOT WORKING!!! Private developers got into the housing industry to make a killing. The state will enter the housing market to provide a service. These homes will be of the same quality as the private developers only difference is that they will be half the price. Soon after the people start buying all of the state built homes the private developer will have no ehoiee but to lower their prices to stay competitive. This will also reduce the cost of rent.

2 | As governor I will be committed to legalizing marijuana, it's a no brainer our islands have the richest soil and we have the perfect climate so it only stands to reason that we will have the most sought after product. I'm not suggesting that we invite Monsanto to do the work and take the lion's share, I'm saying that the state will run everything from germination to distribution. Why settle for 4% when we ean have 100%. Also Hawai'i should be the leading authority regarding the benefits of CBD oils. This has the potential to create hundreds of billions of dollars. With this mueh additional revenue we may eliminate ineome taxes. 3 | As governor I see no reason why our schools should not be offering these classes to the students. If the Hawai'i Supreme Court ruled that the state has a duty to provide Hawaiian language immersion education, then so be it. ■ 1. 3. 2.^^ 4.