Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 8, 1 August 2022 — OHA's First Grant Award Cycle Completed [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

OHA's First Grant Award Cycle Completed

A $220,000 community grant to support the Ho'okāko'o Corporation's "Ke Awa Ho'omalu (Safe Harbor)" program is one of three education-focused grant awards announced in late lune by OHA. The grant will increase access for Native Hawaiian children and their families to Hawaiian culture-hased educational, behavioral, and mental health services. Ke Awa Ho'omalu will be implemented at Kualapu'u Preschool and Elementary on Moloka'i and Waimea Middle School on Hawai'i lsland. Awards in the Community Grants - Education and 'Ahahui Grants categories totaling more than $600,000, are the first OHA grant awards to he announced this year. - Photo: Courtesy