Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 9, 1 September 2022 — SAMANTHA KAMAILELAULI'I PULUOLE-MITCHELL [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]



Public Policy Advocate for Hawai'i lsland - East Hawai'i Community Engagement 9 years at OHA (lncludes 4 years as a student worker) FROM: Hawai'i (mokupuni) Hilo (moku) Waiākea (ahupua'a) EDUCATION: • Hilo High School • UH Hilo (BA in Psychology) • UH Mānoa (MSW - Social Work)

What is your kuleana at OHA? My kuleana to our lāhui is puhlie policy through community engagement. As apuhlie policy advocate, I advocatefor Native Hawaiians through coordination and partnerships with community stakeholders. I assist in monitoring Hawai'i County and state governmentalprocesses to ensure accountahility and collaboration for the lāhui. Why did you choose to work at OHA? The work aligns with my values of socialjustice and desire to empower our community. What is the best thing about working at OHA? Serving and learningfrom my community and co-workers in all capacities. OHA has brought me many opportunities and experiences that helped me to grow and learn as a kanaka and in my profession. What is something interesting for people to know about you? I was a teen mom. It was the hardest decision and my proudest accomplishment. I know what it is to struggle and rise through adversity. Anything ispossible with the love and support ofyourfamily and community. Always believe in yourself. Who has been your role model? My Grandmother, Judith Puluole ( Byous ), for her strength and unconditional love for herfamily. All my kūpuna and ancestors who laid the foundation for me andfor the generations to eome. What is your best OHA memory? There are many, but thefunniest was doing an Escape Room game with my co-work-ers. It was fun, challenging, and exhilarating. Everyone had to work together under pressure. We got to see everyones personality shine. Lol. The most memorable are all the huakai with my co-workers to different places and communities to learn and build pilina between us, the community, and the aina. ■

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