Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 39, Number 12, 1 December 2022 — Maui Nui Law & Justice Academy [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Maui Nui Law & Justice Academy
lntroducing High School Students to Careers in the Judiciary By Lisa M. Ginoza anel Troy Andrade The Maui Nui Law & Justice Academy recently held its inaugural program for high school students interested in justice, law, leadership, advocacy or related fields. The academy was a collaborative effort between the Hawai'i Supreme Court's Commission to Promote and Advance Civic Education (PACE Commission), the University of Hawai'i Maui College, the William S. Richardson School of Law, the Hawai'i State Judiciary, and the Maui County Bar Association. Twenty-three students from Maui, Moloka'i, and Lāna'i were selected to participate in this intensive three-day program where they learned about the history of Maui Nui from Professor Aubrey Ke'alohi Matsuura, a Hawaiian Studies instructor at Maui College. The students also visited the Waihe'e Coastal Dunes and Wetlands Refuge where they met with Native Hawaiian cultural practitioners who talked to them how they are protecting and preserving the land, learned about the legal system and advocacy from attorneys and judges, and met with a variety of community leaders. A central goal of the academy was to increase interest in college, law school, and legal-related careers among young people who eome from backgrounds and populations that are traditionally under represented among attorneys, judges, and policy decision makers. For many of the students, the vision provided by these instructors was life-changing. "Ihe Maui Nui Law & Justice Academy gave me even more tools to understand how the legal field works," said Lāna'i High School senior Luis Dorian Schenk. "But the one thing that stands out the most is the humanity of the judges, lawyers, and professors. I've truly felt the joy and the presence of the instructors and their consideration and willingness to guide the youth in order to prepare the
new generation. This was a great experience overall, and I appreciated all of their efforts towards teaching us." Many of the sessions and exercises focused on preparing the students for simulating a trial based on a Maui-een-tered moot court case created specifically for this program involving a clash between property rights and Hawaiian traditional and customary practices. Students learned what a case file is, how to argue their case, file motions, question witnesses, and address a judge and jury. The academy concluded with the students presenting their cases to Maui judges during moek trials. The students also learned that they do not have to beeome lawyers or judges to work in the judicial arena. They heard from a range of judiciary employees about other important career opportunities in the courts, such as being a social worker in drug court, working in the probation ofhce, handling and preserving legal documents, and managing muhiple hnanee issues for the courts. The students also heard ffom Maui County Councilwoman Keani Rawlins-Fernandez, state Sen. Gilbert Keith-Agaran and others about their personal journeys and advice. Kulamanu Ishihara, interim vice chancellor of Student Affairs at UH Maui College, said "UH Maui College was pleased to be a co-host for the Maui Nui Law & Justice Academy. It was impressive to see the student participants and the law community engaged in interactive activities that potentially ean influence a student's future career goals. UH Maui College is committed to providing these educational opportunities for our future students and hopes to continue these efforts." The three-day academy was an impactful and rewarding experience for the students, as well as for the numerous individuals who gave their time and knowledge in support of the academy. Mahalo to the students and all involved! ■ Intermediate Court ofAppeals Chief Judge Lisa M. Ginoza chairs the Commission to Promote and Advance Civic Education ( PACE Commission). University ofHawai'i William S. Richardson School ofLaw Associate Professor Troy Andrade is a member ofthe PACE Commission.
Unele Jimmy Kauihou (right, back to camera), o Hawaiian cultural practitioner, taught the students about traditional rights and practices. - Photos: Courtesy
Program participant Luis Dorian Schenk (center) with Second Circuit Chief Judge Peter I. Cahill (left) and lntermediate Court of Appeals Chief Judge Lisa M. Ginoza (right).