Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 4, 1 April 2023 — Meeting with Kūpuna on Moloka'i [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Meeting with Kūpuna on Moloka'i

V LEO 'ELELE V ^ trustee messages "

Highly regarded as keepers of traditional knowledge and wisdom, kūpuna set the tone and expectations in Hawaiian communities. Our kūpuna are respected and cherished. So when asked recently to address two Moloka'i kūpuna groups, I did so gladly. My purpose in sharing OHA's kuleana with both the Nā Kūpuna Mana'e Oouneil and the Moloka'i Alu Like Kūpuna Program, was to help clarify the difference between various

agencies (i.e., OHA and DHHL) as eaeh agency is unrelated with different kuleana. Our kūpuna know the concerns that are high priority to Moloka'i and I hope to bring together partnerships to benefit our island by obtaining needed resources. I shared what OHA does, how trust funds are managed and spent, and how the pro-rata funds from the Puhlie Land Trust (PLT) help fund our agency in an effort to clarify how processes work relative to decision-making by our Board of Trustees that impacts our lāhui. I provided eaeh attendee a brochure, What OHA Does, and a copy of OHA's annual hnaneial report, whieh we reviewed together. OHA's overall duty is to improve the conditions of Native Hawaiians. This is an ongoing challenge, as we receive less than our 20% share of PLT revenues - just 3.8% ($15 million) - far

short of the $78.5 million OHA should receive annually (although last year the legislature adjusted that figure to $21 million). I also clarified that OHA is not a direct service provider - we do not operate schools, provide health care centers, or build houses - as some may think. The kūpuna were receptive although some wanted to know why OHA isn't doing more. I explained that $21 million a year is insufhcient to meet the needs of our people, so OHA

has focused on maximizing its limited funds by focusing on providing grants, loans, legal services and sponsorships. Last year OHA mapped out its Mana i Mauli Ola Strategic Plan to the eommunity. For additional information please visit our website: www.oha.org/strategicplan/. I enjoyed my time with the kūpuna and vowed to return with news on establishing grant writing workshops so they may learn how to access funds through our Grant Program. I look forward to working with our kūpuna and the eommunity of Moloka'i. In April, I will be visiting Lāna'i to address the concerns of beneficiaries there. For questions or in-person meetings contact Pohai Ryan at pohair@oha.org. Aloha kekahi i kekahi. Trustee Luana Alapa ■

Luana Alapa Trustee, Moloka'i and Lāna'i

Trustee Alapa wūs recently asked by two kūpuna groups on Moloko'i to speak with them about whot OHA does (ond is doing) in the community, how trust funds are manoged, and to dorify the differences between OHA's kuleona and thot of other orgonizotions such os the Department of Howoiion Home Londs. The meetings with members of Nō Kūpuna Mona'e Oouneil and the Moloka'i Alu Like Kūpuno Progrom wos o time of sharing ond eonneehon. - (ourtesy Photos