Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 40, Number 12, 1 December 2023 — BURIAL NOTICE: WAIKĪKĪ, O'AHU [ARTICLE]



A burial site comprising of three fragments of human skeletal remains (State Inventory of Historic Places # 50-80-14-7308) was identified by Cultural Surveys Hawai'i, Ine. in the course of an archaeological inventory survey for Target at the International Market Plaee Project, Waikīkī Ahupua'a, Honolulu District, Island of O'ahu, TMK: (1) 2-6-022:049 and 050. Per Hawai'i Revised Statutes §6E-43, and Hawai'i Administrative Rules (HAR) §13-300, these remains are considered previously identified. Based on the context, they are over 50 years old and most likely Native Hawaiian. The project area is located within Land Commission Award (LCA) 8559, 'ili of Kaluaokau, to William Lunalilo. The project proponent is Target Corporation: Bob Meza, 50 S. 10th Street, TP-3 1180, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55403, Tel: (651) 334-3740. Target Corporation is planning for preservation in plaee, however, the decision to preserve in plaee or relocate shall be made by the O'ahu Island Burial Council in consultation with the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD) and any recognized lineal and/or cultural descendants (HAR §13-300-33). Appropriate treatment shall occur in accordance with HAR §13-300-38. All persons having knowledge of these

human remains are requested to contact Regina Hilo, SHPD Burial Site Specialist, at 601 Kamokila Boulevard, Room 555, Kapolei, Hawai'i 96707, Tel: (808) 692-8015, Email: Regina.Hilo@hawaii.gov. Interested parties shall respond within 30 days of this notice and file descendancy elaim forms and/or provide information to SHPD adequately demonstrating descent ffom this burial or ancestors buried in the same ahupua'a or district. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: HAWAIIAN PARADISE PARK, KEA'AU AHUPUA'A, PUNA ISLAND OF HAWAI'I On behalf of the County of Hawai'i (CoH) Department of Parks and Recreation (P&R), ASM Afhliates (ASM) is preparing a Cultural Impact Assessment for the proposed Hawaiian Paradise Park New District Park. The proposed park would encompass the entirety of the 20-acre Tax Map Key (TMK) parcel (3) 1-5-039:267, in the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision along Kaloli Drive between 25th and 26th streets in Kea'au Ahupua'a, Puna District, Island of Hawai'i. The County is proposing to develop a district park within the Hawaiian Paradise Park residential subdivision to provide compatible recreational uses within the park supportive of the community's needs and to provide appropriate facilities within the park to support the P&R current pro-

grams and puhlie services. ASM is seeking kama'āina familiar with the areas' cultural resources and traditional customary practices. We also seek input regarding strategies to prevent or mitigate impacts on culturally valued resources or traditional customary practices. If you know of such information, please contact Candace Gonzales, cgonzales@asmafhliates.com, (808) 969-6066. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: 'OPIHIHALI, KONA, ISLAND OF HAWAI'I Information requested by Scientihc Consultant Services, Ine. of cultural resources and/or past and ongoing cultural practices on a 324-acre property located on lands of 'Opihihali 2nd Ahupua'a, South Kona District, Island of Hawai'i [TMK: (3) 8-7-014:002]. Please respond within 30 days to Glenn Escott at (808) 938-0968. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: MOLOA'A BAY PROJECT, KAWAIHAU, KAUA'I Paeihe Legacy, ine., on behalf of Moloa'a Lot 10A, LLC, is conducting a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) for the proposed Estates at Moloa'a Bay Project. The project area encompasses approximately 45 acres and is divided by a CPR with eight tentative homesites identihed. The parcel is located in Moloa'a Ahupua'a, Kawaihau (Ko'olau) District, Island of Kaua'i at TMK:

(4) 4-9-009:002 (por). Paeihe Legacy, ine. is seeking to identify and consult with individuals and organizations who possess knowledge regarding: - Cultural associations of Moloa'a Ahupua'a, such as mo'olelo or eonnections to legendary accounts. - Knowledge of past and present land use within and near the project area. - Knowledge of past and present traditional gathering practices in Moloa'a. - Knowledge of cultural resources whieh may be impacted by the proposed project, including traditional resource gathering sites, traditional access trails, archaeological sites, historic sites, and burials. - Any other cultural concerns that community members may have in relation to traditional Hawaiian or other cultural practices within or near the proposed project area. - Referrals to other knowledgeable individuals who may be willing to share their cultural knowledge of the proposed project area and wider Moloa'a Ahupua'a. Individuals and organizations willing to share any information that will lend to our understanding of past and present land use and cultural practices in Moloa'a are invited to contact Dr. Jillian Swift at 808-263-4800 or via email at swift@pacificlegacy.com. ■