Nuhou, Volume I, Number 10, 28 March 1873 — The Toady [ARTICLE]

The Toady

j Is|an-animal dcscribcd|by ab one thai j crpoks thc pregnant |hinges of thc knee, that i M thrift may follow fawning/ Eut our tuady j cr'poks the pregnant hinges of the backbone ab wkl, What a lively oscillation uf spine, what a mknifold twitch of facial musele, wliat an | nbcrancc of adulatory smirk, what an clabjratc •j twining of wrcathed sniiles f anl what an cye to ? w|>rship your prc«perqus dirt, as gold, there is in : the first-class toady. Can you give a passport ; to | hfeh places, you can'have the sweet worship| of ■ 5 such ? Ēven from sweet cyes that were made for j thk adoration of heave|n and of the nJolenes* uf i ea|rth. Oh, poor liuman tuauy ihae must wui jwiy by Hiwning and|try to Lelp out a fccant | purse by fictive suiiles and an cverlasting crouking j and squiritiing of thiB iuoilal eoil, We ean look jor and emile tei*ierly |at sueh a one, But ior i the toady that and erawls and erabs in ' j H der t0 cree P into and power—what shali ij wt say ? īt licks uirt fur lucre and nut fbr necd. : j It| lieka boots that it spurucd from its door % ■ I voids on them its plaver of mawkkh praie»c, i will delile iu; skirtp to pomh them o*ei% It ir> , these boots| uow shod with gold f oi e\|en thc gilt of be plaeed upon its neek, so that it may elaim| even the notiee of a kkk. f, It£ ery breath of lile pin official 5 or infl.uenual, « { or| fashionable recognit|ion. Thii is the creaWre i ; wjiose dailjr diet is dpt, and whieh proves tLc i of tbe of t|io huuian kiud, :; being like tlrat animul, so near itv iu uppi\mch tc i ( tb|C human, wliieh theliigher it eliuibs the . U ehowe its behind. ; |Wo have thfe Knlmil, K>tU doiucs;w and iai- ' ]x>rted, both periunneijt and trartsiem, of islaad ; aud oī' foreigii eulture, utid ihei-e is p v .t ; dtfl'erervY; both; equallv readv to fawu uud in order to get <iloug; equa!lj- suj;.j-1v , iai the backbv>ne; ;\ud l)oth en«alU- faeik iu i'.K' ' t\titch and suiirk in orvler to u j-.icajuueV w(>rth of polf or notiw. The W.iy i sli ,.t a whoiesomo animal, and not fittevl for truo iuai>.lj or r woinauly associa|iou. li llouri>het~ i u our , soeiety, and perlwi*. like the slaudefous suake. u thnve6 m u iuild eliunue. We will uv aud , īnake it too lu>t for bo«j!i, .