Nuhou, Volume I, Number 14, 11 April 1873 — A Smile [ARTICLE]

A Smile

; Hath won our Siieplierd heart ; not an insiuious bibuloua coiicoctod with lemons ciders; . bufc one beaming lroiu t!io radiunt visnge of one : of Uod s lant and best gifts,' It was an ofiering I of swcct tri!mto of iar nioie' value than subscriptions ; it wa« 4t that ineense of the heart, wliosc : fragrancc «weik to lleaveiy * and to the *auetum~ of thc Ni'iioi'. It was au oheieanee of bcautcous : gold unto «obcr I t wa*Ttlie «pkudor of thc dawn bowing its ies bcforē the grej aud grgw6ome evc, It WiiN Bi with ! fchc I>caBt; iu>t know tbat he was a Frlnce ;ui disguibC, It brīghthlleavcu drāvving uear to tho i*&d carth/ lt ih i« fine, a Jfcir toung lady rcspicndei\t with wiule*, ghc read tbc NlllOl'.