Nuhou, Volume I, Number 17, 22 April 1873 — Gone to Visit the Lepers. [ARTICLE]
Gone to Visit the Lepers.
Mr. S. CJ. Wilder and Mr. Moanaull weut to , Molokai per Ki'nuea jesterdiiy afteruooii, to vlsit | s thc L#ficr Settlcmeut at -jl3raiupajja. The large j number of people, mostl}' iuales, aotv residiug iu I thc Bettlemout, will uocd mueli atteutiou aud some | especial organiiation. I£? it was an asseiubkge I of Amerieuus or Euro|>eafis iu sueli a liorrible, : liopolei» eonditiou, tlvy wouki uced striet eont finoiuent, ;uKUome furee to preveut tlieir doing aets of frcnzy.' Aks, we d;uo uot thiuk what we miglit le or do, |f we \\ere a eonfiriued leper, sure to rot daily u.nto death. Aud theso Ilawaiian lepers -o doeile and law abidiug like «II their rael\ iuaj br<. ik out iu thcii ugonj , and despiiir some daj, if ik t well ibr. Thej ' \vill uccd uiueh atleutiou, |uid it will 1 avc a ealutary cfleet apou a!l tlie jx\iple to know that thcir disrasetī brethren ;\re eaiwl ibr \\ith a paixutul t>oUoitudc. Wo ouj»ht to cspc*;t thc best oi resultb hoin Mr, \\ ilder's <ucry und adiuinisira. ti\v a'-ilttv j . „ i