Nuhou, Volume I, Number 18, 25 April 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]
THURSDA¥, APRIL 24 } 1873. o{ir 10c9,l- i tradē continues quiet, aad we camiot look for mueh else but a seitled dullness ia all branches of trade, as tiie summer months approach. E. P. lua reguiar room sale yesterday, offered a tempting asaortuient of fresh goods, The attendance was J t!ie bidding as lively aa tUe times would \varrant, and tUe foot ing up of the sale amounted to over $2,000. At the underwriters' sale of lumber to-day ex barkeutine prices ranged at $13<2>19 per thousand feet, according fo siaes. We are still without an arrival from the Coast, and canuot look for definitely, before the D. €. Murray, due about May 3d. . Barkentine Jane A. Falkinkurg sailed on Tuesday last for Portland, after a long detention, wiih a eomewhai full cargo of island p:oduce valued at $42,718. Schooner Caroline Uas also sailed on her fishing aud tradiug cruise. Barkentine Lulu continues her voyage to-day or to-morrow ibr Shanghae, as does also the bark i}parrotukatvk, for Melbourne.