Nuhou, Volume I, Number 21, 6 May 1873 — "The Sandwich Island the Future Sugar Country of the United States in the Pacific." [ARTICLE]

"The Sandwich Island the Future Sugar Country of the United States in the Pacific."

;TiiiJPiB tlie hea<;Ting of an artscle eopieel irom ihe Sugar Cane, a penoelieal pamphlcfc publisljcd in Manchester, England 5 whieh eopies from thc Amenewi Grocer, It saye thafc the acqiiisition of tiie fSandvvieh Mands hy America woulel be more popu!af t!ian that of San Domingo, The poesession of the Sandwich lslauds " woukl give to the (Jnited States a sugar coimtry of tho tiret-clasß righfc oH', * ? uTn a eouplo of year§ the islands would produee as mueh ae Jamaiea has <lono in her palmiest days, and the States woukl be allogether iudepcu<3ent of Java and Manilla ior all time to eonie." <k The Polynesian group, ealled the Sandwieh hsl;mds, ships all its «ugar to San Franeiseo (not quite) and froni the moment the ilag of the Union waved over them ? īhe advantage of eoming in duty free would render 6ugiir eulture so pvo{ltable there that pknter« woukl remove to Hawaii from all quarf,em fem, the Uiuted State6,' irom Java, and Manilla. None of the drawbaeks of night trosts experie3\ced iu Louleiaiiā Wouki hinder eane euk tivation there." '* * * That Ihe Handwteh Mauds will eveutuaily heeome Amoiiean,- Vittle douht ean he qntertiaineil. v

Tm ; ; CmNi Mml St&\m*iiu>s %vill have inuuooj?iont6 to ioueh at Ilonolulu ; if ,aa we belicve, we will have nest vear over twenty Ihoueanei tous o! ireight, aud will i>eed about oue t!iou»and more ]ahorere on our plant*itione, Pleuty of good svorkingmen will freely ieave v China aiul other countrieB of Asin to eome here, and got $10 to $15 a month. If .tho?e paekcte wouhi toueh at Uonolulu they would mako a givi\t ehangofor the heuelie of the islaud;>. Thoy wou!d hring to tra\elers of the world, and all the ]ahor ihat w?* woukl need ; nnu wo woukl hegiu to ;;t l rid m|" ;* iuany uttfan. nnvrow iuinded. loeal iu- . iUiM wr mi• • i rc vit'HiH ••' | ' a«r!