Nuhou, Volume I, Number 23, 13 May 1873 — Lahainaluna College [ARTICLE]

Lahainaluna College

: lā subsicllzed by tbe funds of ,the governrueut, aiid is designed as an mstitution for tbe benefit of j Ilawaiiau youth in general; and it bas been a customary of the gOYernment to invite the Governor and judgos resident at Lahaina to be present afc its examiDatioQg, whieh attention was ignored on the oceasion of the one that took pkee last week. Can it be that beeausc the clique of ? All Saints are now in power, and the I abovc offieial gentlemen are uot withiu the pale | thafc their presenee was not needed ? TTill the | organ of - All Sa-mts inform us?