Nuhou, Volume I, Number 24, 16 May 1873 — TRADE NEWS. [ARTICLE]


THURSDJI\ MAY 15, 1873. Bark Clara R, $util touched off the port yesterday, 17 '|n.yH from San FraneiBCo, bound to tne Ochotsk Sea on a codHlmig voyage. San Francisco dates are m> to Hie 27th uU, Our island produce remains as 3ast The stock of island §ugars H heavy, ānd but movement iu ihem at this tīine, owing tc the lioi"30 diaease. It is nearly impossible to get vessels 4ischarged or loaded, for want of draught auimala. The prospect for tlie grain crop is not se favorabte as it wag some nionths ago 3 o\ving to the drought. Flour lras slightly advanced j bran very mueh. Chaners have dropped, and quite a large number of veßsels are sceking freights. Gold standing at 117A to 1173, and but little prospect of a decline for some time to eome. Sugar. —We advise our townspeople, who are. io need of a keg of extra ehoiee sugar, to eall at C. Brewer & Co.'s and see some " Wailuku MilI»," whieh we think is a little ahead of anything that lias eoine into market ilus £eason, It is perfectly white, (yet not that pale white so objectionabīe} and with a good grain. lt ix a great mmfortuue to this country that Bucli sugßrs are debarred from entering the American market, owing to the heavy duty # go that we are in a rnanner compelled to restrict ourselves in our best grades to something equal to Califonita Yellow C. , Friday evening, April 2Gth. - The pnee of gokl in New York opened to-day at 1171, closing at 1171 at 3p. m. The price of gold being 117£, makes the pnee of grecribacks in New York 85.10. i Siīqar—The refmery prices are as lollows; CruBhed, 12ie ; Powdered, 12ic •, GranUlated, j Yellow C, lOe * r Caliiomia Beet Root, 8fS)llc ♦, Hawaiian, 7£tij}lQc